Sentences with phrase «individuals concerned»

I enjoy working with individuals concerned about their drug or alcohol use.
I enjoy working with individuals concerned about their drug or alcohol use, trauma and mental health issues.
No legal matter is too large nor too small for us, as we have been involved in both major litigation and more routine legal matters for individuals concerning the general practice of law.
This class is specifically designed to help you navigate all of that and address individual concerns.
I may meet with individual members to focus on individual concerns.
The minimum liability protection will pay as much as $ 15,000 for a single person and up to $ 30,000 for at least one individual concerned in the accident.
And yet much of Christian culture regards sin and confession as individual concerns.
We encourage parents, guardians, or other individuals concerned about bullying, to first report suspected bullying behavior to their school site administrator (principal).
On the point about the older man's friends being of a different generation to you, well this will depend on the specific individual concerned, will it not?
However, I think we could all stand to remember that we're not all simply victims of a society, but individuals with individual concerns and issues.
If you're a healthcare provider or individual concerned about cancer — do NOT miss this program.
Individual applicants no longer need to meet the arbitrary and harsh test of individual concern when they seek to challenge an act of general application that is a non-legislative act (and there are many of such acts, including the regulation that implements the contested legislative act in this case itself!).
Congressman Brian Higgins on June 12 called for the redevelopment of the Commodore Perry Neighborhood but was met with a chorus of criticisms from individuals concerned about being displaced with the idea of mixed - use development.
We aren't sure how this research finding applies to healthy Japanese breastfeeding infants, or of course, to infants who are breastfeeding in the U.S.. However, the result here does remind us of the importance of considering food sensitivity in the feeding of infants, and the potential difference between individual concerns for infants versus adults involving soy foods, including miso.
Bank failures and the ongoing turmoil in the financial markets have many individuals concerned about the stability of their own banks.
And it should be considered a public offense where the killing was committed by a public official, and not by a private individual concerning a private matter, which would concern «private rights.»
Committee work is focused on the task rather than on relationships between persons, and fulfilling an agenda often takes precedence over processing individual concerns.
Whether hostile or benevolent, alien landings in the movies are generally treated as communal experiences, a time for human beings to set aside their petty individual concerns and join the world in welcoming or smiting the creatures from another planet.
In their development of this initiative, the three founders recruited additional members to forge the Project's Risk Committee, a group of dedicated individuals concerned about the economic future of America under the threat of global climate change.
This question is inseparable from our own individual concern for significance (which we shall look at in Chapter 6).
What was as powerful in my young life as the Baptist revivals I went to was going to a seminary where it was emphasized that God doesn't have time for people's petty little individual concerns, because God is concerned only with large issues like social justice — the war in Bosnia, not the individual suffering of one family.
If the bill dies in the Senate, the congressman said he would support a piece - by - piece approach to solve individual concerns, such as the workforce problems the agricultural market faces.
TAMR assists owners and other individuals concerning Alaskan Malamute behavior, care, and ownership.
Acts which are adopted by European Parliament with the participation of the Council, or by the latter with the participation of the European Parliament are thus more insulated from direct judicial review because the non-privileged applicant needs to demonstrate individual concern in addition to direct concern.
And he notes that, in the context of current liberal and neoliberal political theory, property owners are invited to «live as isolated individuals concerned only with their own self - interest.»
The applicants would certainly not establish such individual concern in the case at hand, because they can not differentiate themselves since everyone could potentially engage in the trade in seals products (see also Case C - 583 / 11 P, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami I, paras. 72 - 73).
The Enforcement Guide states that the FCA will make it clear to the company or individual concerned whether it requires him, her or it to produce information or answer questions under FSMA or whether the provision of information is voluntary.
So too is cost - saving, litigation and payout minimisation, bed clearing, medical research, improper individual concerns about inheritance and even political Malthusianism.
I have experience in instructing individuals concerning their health, and behaviors and preventive measures that will improve their quality of life, as well as...
Facilitating European co-operation and exchange of ideas and experience among associations, institutions and individuals concerning medical, legal, social, psychological, gender, cultural, economic, spiritual and other aspects of human experiences in relation to systemic thinking and practice.
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW): LCSW degree programs focus more on individual concerns and issues and although this can mean that an LCSW professional works mostly with individuals, they may also provide couples and family counseling.
Women can request transfers and AT&T, for example, says it will «make every effort to address individual concerns» by finding them other positions.
The groups are seeking endorsements from other local, state and national organizations as well as individuals concerned with the rapid increase in time, money and energy devoted to exams used to make major decisions about students, educators and schools.
For individuals concerned about Candida (yeast condition), the medicinal mushrooms contained in Integrative Digestive Formula ® are actually designed to support and balance this condition, and will not aggravate yeast related conditions.
Research so far has tended to focus on specific, manualized treatments applied to specific individual concerns.
In fiscal 2013 — 14, the Office of Civil Rights «received more than 580 complaints brought by parents, students, or other individuals concerned about possible civil rights violations involving school discipline systems.»
Hot Links Monitoring Bank Safety On - Line Bank failures and the ongoing turmoil in the financial markets have many individuals concerned about the stability of their own banks.
For individuals concerned about Candida (yeast condition), the medicinal mushrooms contained in Ten Mushroom Formula ® are actually designed to support and balance this condition, and will not aggravate yeast related conditions.
The Galaxy S8 Active also comes with strong security features, including Samsung Knox, making it a more attractive choice for companies and individuals concerned about data security.
In a statement, the University of Sheffield said: «The individual concerned is currently appealing the decision of a Fitness to Practise Committee, relating to professional registration and the standards of the relevant professional body.
In a similar way, it's impossible to consider Emilia's situation as only an individual concern.
«What is required for the Incarnation is that the vehicle of human nature should exist which can be determined directly by the Will of God, and that the individual concerned should be given the office in nature and in grace to co-operate with God in a unique manner for the doing of that work.»
He is thereby guided not to push merely his individual concerns.
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