Sentences with phrase «individuals learn about»

In addressing relationship issues, individuals learn about themselves and about how they can better function.
I was happy to help plan community education meetings throughout the State of Utah where we helped hundreds of individuals learn about DACA.
This program is supported by the UI Office of International Programs and open to faculty and staff at the UI, and helps individuals learn about people and cultures on a global and local levels.
What does each of these little individuals learn about themselves while on the island?
Those surveys ignore what the report calls «community literacy» — the phenomenon by which individuals learn about and take collective action on issues they care deeply about, from AIDS to environmental justice.
Of course, the world hasn't changed as quickly as Berk and much of this second film focuses on individuals learning about and appreciating how Berk has changed.
The earlier an individual learns about credit and how to treat finances, the better off they'll be down the road when they're actually faced with tough decisions about how to use and maintain their credit.
This academy takes the training experience beyond that of a student learning about fencing to an individual learning about life.

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For example, Jim Sheward, the CEO of the Internet - consulting company Fiberlink wants a staff with integrity so he asks interviewees about their biggest career mistake to date and looks for reflective individuals who have learned from their errors.
By the way, you'll also learn about the needs of the individual positions, leaving you considerably more prepared once you take the step to put a full - or part - time person in that spot.
Says Paul G. Stoltz, founder and CEO of PEAK Learning, Inc., «A lot of the work I do is about grit and the importance of nurturing that quality in individuals.
The new offering, «Watson for Patient Safety,» will gobble up anonymized medical records, claims data, and millions of electronic submissions to the FDA about potential drug side effects (known as individual case safety reports) to see if it can learn about the hidden dangers of medicines before they become too costly.
Carol Dweck and her colleagues at Stanford teach about the importance of a growth mindset — how individuals who believe they have unlimited capacity to learn throughout their lifetime outperform those who believe that intelligence is fixed.
I learned more about sales, marketing, and entrepreneurship from this individual than I have ever learned from anyone else.
Saltoun noted that to boost retention, he spends significant time learning about the goals and motivations of individual employees.
Learn about the habits that helped transform ordinary individuals into self - made millionaires.
It helps you figure out your strengths and you learn more about who you really are as an individual when you talk to customers.
The purpose of the program is to provide access to objective, non-commercial information about investing for retirement so individuals can make informed choices, recognize and avoid misleading investment advice and scams, and learn ways to better manage their retirement investments.
The unique, «scavenger hunt» - like contest attracted an estimated 1,300 individuals at participating locations who learned and then were quizzed about key investing topics: financial fraud, building a nest egg, selecting financial advisers, and the cost of investment fees.
We believe that it will truly benefit the individual to continue learning about the ever - changing landscape of business cycles, trends, technology, domestic / foreign industries, and government policies.
«Since individuals may purchase annuity plans to avoid such taxes, it's important for investors to learn as much as they can about the potential annuity inheritance tax.»
They're about growing the individuals that work for them, learning from one another, and ultimately about pursuing each person's passion!
We will be smarter about how we provide investor information so that it will motivate individuals to learn and utilize their new money management skills, and we will collaborate and coordinate our efforts with other organizations that share our mission of raising the level of financial literacy and investor protection.»
You can also learn about a variety of other IRAs, including the spousal IRA and an individual retirement annuity.
Contributors to My Family On A Budget are not professional financial advisers, but instead are simply individuals who are on the road to learning more about Personal Finance and sharing with anyone interested.
Learning how you navigate investing in individual dividend paying stocks has got me thinking about them in ways I never would have previously.
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And the Rule may be snuffed out before most individual investors even learned about it.
Review some of the other companies listed on the site to learn more about how much each individual company has raised over a limited period of time.
Explore the options below to learn more about each of the most common types of annuities and evaluate which type may suit your individual financial objectives.
To learn about individual money market accounts, take a look at our reviews.
Knowledge@Wharton recently sat down with Berger to learn more about his findings, including why people share cat memes, which organizations and individuals have conceived and implemented the most successful viral campaigns — from Blendtec to «Movember» — and why making something contagious does not have to be expensive.
We need to give up the «what happens when we die» concept and think about how we can live better lives... guess what, I learned how to be a good, morally sound and ethically sound individual and I didn't read the Bible... wild notion, I know.
Jung talks about individuation: when we learn to reconcile all the parts of ourselves into one undivided individual.
On the contrary, he looks upon this easiness as a temptation and a snare and he learns earnestness in order as an individual to be concerned about his eternal responsibility.
From what we learn of him, he is an immature individual who could be said to confirm some of the common stereotypes about his kind.
Jeremiah's vision of the new covenant which God would inscribe upon the human heart follows his bitter reflections about how little individuals or nations learn from their experience.
It's like a virtual bazaar where you can visit shops and learn about the individuals who make the items.
Just as metaphysical first principles are discovered in a mode of enquiry, so the precepts of natural law are those «presupposed in any situation in which learning and enquiry between rational individuals about their individual and common goods can be advanced and by any relationship in which individuals can conduct themselves with rational integrity.»
Christian faith is not inherited; each generation, each individual, must learn faith anew.11 Recent Protestant innovations in membership procedures and sacramental practices are only the logical extension of long - dysfunctional assumptions about the faith formation of persons in the home, in Sunday School, and in the church.
Learn more and find information about your individual options available and how to apply:»
If at an early stage in his evolution it was useful for an individual to be able to adapt to a language - using community, i.e., to learn language as fast as possible, selection for this capacity might well have brought about a genetic assimilation of at least the bases for what had originally been only a learned adaptive response.
For the person who spends six or seven years (^ 1) in weekly Bible study, learning about Christ, before commiting to Christ, then Jeremy is also spot on, becuase the individual will have a good foundation upon which to start learning what the Bible teaches.
This democratization of learning neatly fit into Luther's emphasis on the priesthood of all believers, Protestantism's view that individuals should make their own decisions about the future of their immortal souls, and the Renaissance insistence that learning and ideas should be available to all.
It is funny, the more I learn about Martin Luther the more I am amazed that we look at this extremely disturbed individual as a spiritual example.
You have a lot to learn about const!tutional law, discrimination, and how they relate to individuals vs. corporations.
We are learning about women in history, both individual women whose contributions have been ignored or forgotten, and the masses of women in all cultures and periods of history who have had tremendous influence on the evolution of human society, from the invention of agriculture to the «keeping of the faith.»
True, we can learn a great deal about the death of God in the history of religions, if only because gods have always been in the process of dying, from the time the sky gods fell into animism to the disappearance of a personal or individual deity in the highest expression of mysticism.
«I'm a firm believer that when an individual joins an organization, regardless of the title, that the first three to six months is really about learning the brand, the people and the culture,» Cernadas explains.
have fun with this age where they learn more and more about being an individual person.
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