Sentences with phrase «indoctrinated on»

I as a taxpayer, would like to know how many hours our primary teachers are not in the classroom, but are instead away on being indoctrinated on how to teach to the CC.
Yep, they'd have our kids being indoctrinated on a daily basis in their Christian madrassas, meanwhile, the rest of the world leaves us in their scientifically accomplished technical dust.

Not exact matches

In recent issues of The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor I've covered the U.S. government's ongoing «War on Cash»... how our government is trying to take over the Internet with the latest push for «net neutrality»... the risks and advantages of digital currency like bitcoin... how U.S. banks are preparing for «bail - ins» during the next financial crisis... how the U.S. government is using Common Core to indoctrinate children so they'll submit to the coming socialist society... and much, much more.
She may not have been indoctrinated / brainwashed by someone within her household, but she didn't form these beliefs about Christianity in a vacuum where no one around her was attempting to convince her to believe, and she was just studying various religious texts until she happened on the bible and other apologetics.
Which religion you are is based almost entirely on where you were born, If you were born in the west, you were indoctrinated practically from birth to believe in Christianity, so that's what you believe.
Logical deduction prevents them from continuing to believe on their own, but many are force fed the continued belief in God out of their parents own indoctrinated fears.
Dalahäst If someone told you that the feeling of déjà vu that everyone experiences is actually evidence for reincarnation, would you suspect that they were trying to indoctrinate a presupposition in order to support their belief in past lives, or would you just take their word on it?
But I suppose that, to a religious person who's been indoctrinated to believe their ideology is the only true one and has been brainwashed into thinking that it's their obligation to «save» others by bringing them into their way of thinking, somebody standing up to that might seem like that person is pushing their beliefs on them, but they'd still be wrong.
A bunch on religiously indoctrinated people claiming a proof that they do not have (at least not in any scientific sense of the word proof).
How do you raise your children to be people of faith without either indoctrinating them to the point that they can not think for themselves on the one hand or leaving them without a solid foundation on the other?
The «Let me play devil's advocate» strategy is bizarrely inappropriate in such a situation, as it assumes that the young people in our secondary schools are so indoctrinated that they need to be shaken out of the complacency of a life of faith based on social approval.
Many pastors including the notable self - indoctrinated Chinese evangelical pastor prescribed that due to the advent of jesus as the christian messiah, Sabbath and the Jubilee is put on hold or retired, because the greatest cause is to spread the christian message tirelessly.
What Atheists «hate» is you Creationists lying on every turn, and threatening the sanity of the world by indoctrinating, abusing, and brainwashing your children, and introducing weird nutball to government that in turn is a direct threat to the country, and the world.
when I first started reading up on how extreme Christian fundamentalism has become in the last 30 yrs (since I left Evangelicalism), I was stunned to find that there is a whole movement afoot to keep children, especially girls, from attending college — yes, even BJU — for fear of them being «indoctrinated» with «liberal ideas».
As a recovered Christian, indoctrinated as a child, cured upon receiving an education in science and history, I say it's time to put all religion on display in its proper place: on a shelf in the Museum of Falsehoods, Deceptions and Tragic Human History.
Religion permeates our culture, shows up on our doorsteps with literature, scriptures and threats of eternal d.a.m.nation, influences our science books, contaminates our political systems, indoctrinates our children and postulates that its doctrine must be followed, lest we be destroyed in body, in soul, or both.
until someone, depending on location or year, decides to indoctrinate us to their current brand of belief.
My religious blinkers were on and it took a complete stepping back from the institutional church and its teachings for me to see how indoctrinated I was.
Frankly, I don't care who wins, but putting the chameleon label on Obama and not Romey is a clear sign you are indoctrinated.
It depends on which myth you were indoctrinated with.
People who are indoctrinated must remain one - sided on an issue.
It depends on what is indoctrinated.
This is what Bill Nye is going on about: we have a nation full of knee - jerk reactionaries quick to dismiss what they don't even posess a high - school level understanding of, simply because it doesn't fit perfectly with the mindlessly repeated dogma they've been indoctrinated with since birth.
these fools could go on forever, indoctrinating their stupidity on the fool audience that know no better, if the general public did not step in, demanding some civility and intelligence.
We do not plan on indoctrinating him into religion (no bris, no bar mitzvah, etc) but we do want him to feel part of a community.
We are all born atheist but then dumbazz parents insist on indoctrinating their children into religious cults»cause that's what their dumbazz parents did to them, and voila, here we are.
Brosif Dude, spend your life in a society that tries to indoctrinate you into a religion that you do not believe in, that fights to get even more special priveleges based on their majority status, and who insist on telling other people how to live their lives — all the while crying that they are the ones being oppressed.
unfortunately, the religious work tirelessly to codify their beliefs into civil law, infringing on the rights of their fellows and attempting to indoctrinate our children in public schools.
My concern is on your behalf, for I am convinced that you have been lied to and that you have been indoctrinated the same as Christians, Jews, and most other religions.
How we perceive our food tends to indoctrinate how we value or waste food on the consumer end.
He attributes his longevity to the success of the pitchers who were indoctrinated with his unorthodox philosophy of actually throwing more often between starts but with decreased intensity, concentrating, instead, on the feel and location of their pitches, controlling the lower outside part of the strike zone — down and away, down and away.
One thing that was said recently on here that really stuck with me, is that there is a difference «between being educated, and indoctrinated
i think kids are already hooked on them, and those that aren't yet indoctrinated can still get plenty of marketing messages by watching PBS «sponsorship» that doesn't mention the toys at all.
America was built and prospered on a private school system, directly reflecting individual parental values; modern Americans, indoctrinated by many years in government schools, recoil at such history / ideas... mistakenly seeing it as beyond belief or reason.
Kids simply don't need to be indoctrinated into any virtual online community during their first decade on earth — even those that claim to bring children, parents and educators closer together.
Watson stated: «These three documents outline a concerted strategy for members of the AWL to infiltrate (or, to use the language of the documents, «intervene») in the Labour Party» with the explicit intention of influencing the party to indoctrinate «more people of revolutionary socialist ideas,» «advance and transform the wider labour movement» and to focus «on drawing in, organising, propagandising among, and recruiting among, the new people (especially the new young people) mobilised by the Corbyn surge.»
(CNN)-- Jim Greer, the Florida Republican party chairman who accused President Barack Obama last week of trying to «indoctrinate America's children to his socialist agenda,» suggested Monday that the president's original speech on education was «different,» but said he is now encouraging all kids to watch it.
«For example in Germany must make do with no Air Conditioner» - I suppose if someone is indoctrinated from birth that they live in the Best Country On Earth, they can't be blamed for believing that sort of nonsense.
Those who are sceptical about the country when they visit on his trips invariably return, if not indoctrinated, at least with a pro-Israel view.
«Everyone thought Einstein was the greatest figure after Newton, and so I took it on trust, almost like someone being indoctrinated into a religion.»
Her friend Vicky (Rebecca Hall), on the other hand, the feminist whom Juan offends with his indecent proposal for a «menage a trois» with herself and Cristina, denies the attraction and magnetic pull of the painter's sexual aura, because she's been fully indoctrinated by an ideology that's supposed to function like an amulet against the evils of subjugation.
They are certainly not above mocking themselves, for instance, the plot, such that it is, involves at one point, a loopy fantasia on the era's witch - hunt of communist writers infiltrating Hollywood by kidnapping movie stars and indoctrinating them into the fold.
A.I.A., an offshoot of the conservative group Accuracy in Media, says the six - week summer program, known as the Arkansas Governor's School, is indoctrinating students with leftist ideology on race, gender roles, sexual orientation, the environment, and religion.
The math wars revolve around a four - part problem: A disputed theory of education that informs NCTM's standards; state boards of education that base their standards of learning for mathematics on the NCTM standards; textbooks written to incorporate these standards; and teachers and others in the education establishment who are indoctrinated in the disputed education theory and who may not possess enough knowledge of mathematics to overcome the first three factors.
«Nevada's voucher program allows private religious schools to use taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate and discriminate against students on the basis of religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, and other grounds,» she added.
Lets all just indoctrinate our kids into being dependent on the government.
Insurance companies make big bucks on whole life insurance and they indoctrinate their agents to sell it.
I'd rather Nintendo indoctrinate my children on the Nintendo school, than what Apple is now doing on their «Apple schools».
Perhaps it's on account of my having been indoctrinated into the niche cult of folks who like Japanese games with their absurdity turned up to 11, or maybe it's the fact that I got into journalism in the first place because I find other people's interests and passions — no matter how bizarre, to include the aforementioned genre of games — absolutely fascinating.
Actually indoctrinating you into the hivemind like this is a pretty gnarly move on Rebellion's part, but if you're going to play as the Alien, you have to do it right.
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