Sentences with phrase «indoor confinement»

From a functional standpoint, I recommend and like crates for short term, indoor confinement, yet I don't believe you should leave a dog in a crate, during the day, for longer than 3 to 4 hours, or no longer than they can hold their urine or poop.
An indoor confinement area must have at least eight hours of illumination sufficient to permit routine inspection and cleaning.
This change in diet has also been accompanied by a shift from an outdoor environment to indoor confinement and decreased physical activity, because cats no longer need to hunt to obtain nutrition.
Environmental risk factors in domestic or Burmese cats include advancing age, obesity, male gender, neutering, drug treatment, physical inactivity, and indoor confinement.
(ref) And studies have found that indoor confinement and inactivity are major risk factors in cats developing diabetes.
Indoor confinement will prevent RTAs, but indoor cats need extra attention to meet their exercise and stimulation needs.

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Either dietary fats or sunlight cured rickets; a cereal - based diet combined with confinement indoors caused rickets.
Confinement indoors and restricted activity with hand walking for one week will provide the dog rest and you the opportunity to watch for swelling or bleeding.
Most dogs will naturally become very active in a short period of time after surgery and confinement and close supervision indoors is of the utmost importance!
Sanctuaries (life - long indoor mass homes) are uncommon and most feral cats are not happy living in confinement.
Confinement in a crate for night - time and in a small area during the day with an indoor sod tray or puppy pad is essential for errorless housetraining until your pup earns more space in your house.
Housesoiling, destructive chewing, and hyperactivity are the most common reasons why dogs are relegated to unsupervised, solitary confinement in the yard, where they predictably learn to bark, dig, and escape, and become over-excited whenever let indoors.
Whenever you are not at home, leave your dog in a long - term confinement area, such as a single room indoors with easy - to - clean floors (bathroom, kitchen, or utility room)-- this will be your puppydog's playroom.
When you're indoors and unable to do any of those things (overnight or when you can't supervise him), he can stay in his crate or confinement area.
He claims confinement indoors is the No. 1 reason for the giant increase in behavioral problems the last few years.
Confinement indoors and restriction of activity for one week will provide the cat rest and you the opportunity to watch for swelling or bleeding.
Confinement in a crate for night - time and in a small area during the day with an indoor sod tray or puppy pad is necessary until your pup earns more space in your house.
Confinement Indoors.
Outdoor pigs may not feel as comfortable in the confinement of a home or they may be extra messy indoors.
House training is a simple process, but one that must be carried out positively (without punishment that scares the puppy) and consistently, following two main guidelines: 1) prevent indoor accidents through confinement and close supervision, and 2) take the puppy outside on a frequent and regular schedule and reward him for eliminating where you want him to go.
You shouldn't create an additional indoor potty area for him in your bedroom unless you plan to have one there long - term, so using the crate overnight and his confinement zone with potty area during the day works well for many puppy owners.
A cat which is raised from a kitten as an indoor - only cat accepts its confinement better than an indoor - outdoor cat (or previously outdoor - only cat) which finds itself suddenly under house arrest.
My only wish was that I could have spent more time outside getting some rays, as the level design of the outdoor environments are very appealing to the eye while the confinements of the indoor locales are bland and gloomy being that they are banks and jewellery stores.
In 2007, Samantha was moved to another zoo on long - term breeding loan and Lucy was left essentially in solitary confinement, particularly during the winter months when she remained indoors.
cab · in fe · ver Noun NORTH AMERICANinformal irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during the winter.
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