Sentences with phrase «indoor smoking bans»

Studies on previous indoor smoking bans have consistently shown a major decrease in hospital admissions for heart attacks after smoke - free laws went into effect.
It is good news that almost all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people reported being protected by indoor smoking bans at work, as is reported by other Australians.
He regularly publishes research on the harmful effects of passive smoking and has testified in support of indoor smoking bans in more than 50 US cities.
Since Illinois» indoor smoking ban went into effect Jan. 1, communities from Lake Bluff on the North Shore to southwest suburban Orland Park have used home - rule powers to adopt their own anti-smoking ordinances to include the outdoors.
Mario Cuomo, also saw indoor smoking bans enacted and the first law against hate crimes.
He argues that given the paucity of health data, current indoor smoking bans should apply to e-cigs as well.
At properties with only indoor smoking bans, there was actually an increase in outdoor secondhand smoke exposure, according to study authors John Kingsbury and Dawn Reckinger, of the Minnesota Department of Health.
Smoking came to be seen as «uncool,» and interventions such as indoor smoking bans and higher taxes made it harder to start, easier to quit and more difficult to continue.
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg made history by passing an indoor smoking ban for bars and restaurants in the city which has been credited with slashing hospitalization and heart attack rates.
On Jan. 1 Illinois became the 23rd state to implement an indoor smoking ban, outlawing smoking in public buildings, including taverns, restaurants, bowling alleys, nightclubs and sports arenas; and within 15 feet of doorways to office towers, train stations and other public buildings.
ALBANY, N.Y. (WBEN / AP)-- New York has added electronic cigarettes to its indoor smoking ban, making it illegal to use the devices in bars, restaurants and most workplaces.
These included Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal's bill to add e-cigarettes to the state's indoor smoking ban, a proposal that would seal details of marijuana arrest records, and a bill that would expand film tax credits to more upstate counties.
December 28, 2016 Study: Fewer kids visited ERs for asthma after indoor smoking bans Emergency rooms in communities with indoor smoking bans reported a 17 percent decrease in the number of children needing care for asthma attacks, according to new research from the University of Chicago Medicine.
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