Sentences with phrase «induce synaptic plasticity»

«We found that nicotine and cocaine employ similar mechanisms to induce synaptic plasticity in dopamine neurons in VTA,» Mao said.
Markram was one of the first to investigate the sequential version of Hebb's rule in a systematic way, by varying the time delay between the spiking of the two neurons when inducing synaptic plasticity.
Mao discovered that nicotine - induced synaptic plasticity in the VTA is dependent upon one of the drug's usual targets, a receptor for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine located on the dopamine neurons.
One problem that has been difficult to address with existing tools is the role of NMDA - Rs in cocaine - induced synaptic plasticity.
a) In the subsection «Cell type - specific NMDA - R pharmacology in cocaine - induced synaptic plasticity» we now more clearly introduce the Zweifel and Engblom studies as well as the differences between them: both of which used genetic ablation of Grin1 over 1 week but showed different results with respect to DA neuron synaptic potentiation, which was due to methodological challenges with AMP - R compensation.
2) The description of Engblom et al., 2008, in the subsection «Cell type - specific NMDA - R pharmacology in cocaine - induced synaptic plasticity» is misleading.

Not exact matches

«It's predominant in the striatum and specifically affects synaptic plasticity induced by dopamine signaling.
«Our approach to use a combination treatment of DHCA and Mal - gluc to simultaneously inhibit peripheral inflammation and modulate synaptic plasticity in the brain works synergistically to optimize resilience against chronic stress - induced depression - like phenotypes,» said Dr. Pasinetti.
A deeper understanding of the pre-plaque stage is of great relevance in view of the fact that the intraneuronal compartment is also a place where Aβ can oligomerize [10, 21, 22] forming toxic aggregates which can impair synaptic plasticity [23 — 26], induce cognitive impairments [27, 28] and unleash a pro-inflammatory reaction [10, 29].
Place learning and hippocampal synaptic plasticity in streptozotocin - induced diabetic rats.
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