Sentences with phrase «induced laughter»

Satire, however, need not induce laughter, and I heard none in the theater at Lincoln Center during the 142 minutes it takes for Christian to upend his career by discovering some boundaries that he ought not to have crossed.
And he discovered that inducing laughter in young rats promoted bonding: tickled rats would actively seek out specific human hands that had made them laugh previously.
Each video was, respectively, meant to induce laughter, a pleasant mood, or nothing in particular, for the control (clearly the «how to play golf» clip).
My friends thought I swallowed my tongue, I was laughing so hard, and they pounded me on the back to try to get me to properly inhale after tears - inducing laughter.
The plot plays out like a very bad Silver Age comic, with a cringeworthy heavy - handed «Captain Planet» - esque anti-nuclear weapon message, beyond cheesy plot consisting of multiple meaningless subplots, mediocre effects - driven action sequences that induce laughter rather than suspense, and actors who seem more disinterested than the next.
It would require a near - lethal injection of nitrous oxide to induce laughter while watching this bogus comedy.
Sure we have funny moments - and there are plenty that will induce laughter - but it just didn \» t feel like it held up to anything of note.
Pirate Radio is neither historically accurate enough (it can't even stick to its year of 1966 to provide its tunes, some of which came out a little after («Jumpin» Jack Flash» is from 1968, as is «So Long, Marianne» by Leonard Cohen, to name but two) to provide interest in a bit of pop culture history, nor is it consistent enough to sustain its good cheer without collapsing from the weight of its own cutesy manipulations in its characters for laughs, It's not so much a story as it is a collection of sitcom moments meant to induce laughter and mirth, mixing it with all of the best rock tunes of its era.
His neon works reference over 7,000 slang terms for «vagina», a recurrent theme in his works meant to induce laughter and contemplation.

Not exact matches

A great deal of laughter is induced by fear.
And this ingredient would make any laughter deeper without the audience's realizing how we were inducing belly laughs — we hoped.
Moreover, the situation should induce an uncomfortable amount of pity and shame from the world, rather than laughter.
This is not always as laughter - inducing as it sounds.
The Talmudists saw the spleen as the source of laughter, which 12th - century physician and poet Judah Halevi attributed to its ability to cleanse the body of black bile, a supposedly gloom - inducing, but entirely imaginary, effluvium.
With a cast like that it's literally impossible not to have funny moments, and Sisters does induce plenty of laughter.
On par with Shaun's gore but more spaced out, I'm not convinced that the wince - inducing demise depictions are necessary, though a physiologist might be able to definitively prove a link between painful contortions and the releases of laughter.
He tackled his own illnesses with huge doses of Vitamin C, a positive attitude, and laughter induced by Marx Brothers films.
«Whether inducing tears or raucous laughter, all the pieces are inviting, inquisitive and attentive — and sure to spark plenty of imaginations.»
Along with dirty - diaper disasters, laughter - inducing sections include «Projecting the Future,» which compares a proud mother's wishful thinking about her baby's traits to their more likely outcomes.
But beware: the food is so delicious it has been known to induce belly - laughter, dancing and even plate - breaking!
Regardless, though, Stick of Truth is a damn funny game, frequently rendering me to laughter - induced coughing fits.
The story is a well - paced accent to the engaging combat and the humor fluctuates from being purposefully shallow like the lead character's name to knee - slapping laughter inducing events like Wang singing his rendition of «My Favorite Things» after a boss fight.
The questions are deliberately posed to evoke inspired responses with laughter, shock and cringe inducing situations soon to follow.
We've all had our tear - inducing moments of laughter while playing our -LSB-...]
A truly great game that induces quite a bit of laughter as you struggle to get up while your friend carries you to your doom!
He is best known for his laughter - inducing works that consider the dichotomies of humor and pathos within the human condition.
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