Sentences with phrase «induced preeclampsia»

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But now he or she will be on the lookout for specific pregnancy - induced high blood pressure issues, like preeclampsia and gestational hypertension that, if they occur, arise after week 20.
The grand finale was a bad case of preeclampsia that left me extremely swollen and prematurely induced for labor.
Preeclampsia — also known as pregnancy - induced hypertension (PIH) or toxemia — is a disorder that generally develops late in pregnancy (after week 20) and is characterized by a sudden onset of high blood pressure, edema (swelling, generally in the feet, ankles and hands) and signs that some organs may not be working normally (including protein in the urine).
Preeclampsia, or pregnancy - induced hypertension (PIH), is a high blood pressure disorder of pregnancy.
In my training I saw a patient that needed to be induced for preeclampsia, yet refused medication, and this was a physician's patient.
With my second I developed preeclampsia at 34 weeks pregnant with him and was induced and I wound up having him by c section.
I had preeclampsia and was induced at 38 weeks.
You might be induced for a variety of reasons, including: you've gone a week or 2 past your due date; it's been 12 to 24 hours since your water broke; you've been diagnosed with preeclampsia, a pregnancy condition involving high blood pressure; your placenta doesn't seem to be working properly; you have low amniotic fluid; or your baby's health or yours is at risk.
My son's mother had preeclampsia and they were going to have to induce labor about 27 days early.
The medical reasons for inducing include preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, an overdue baby, and health risks to your baby.
Preeclampsia may require induced labor and delivery.
Blood pressure and urinary protein values from ante -, intra -, and postpartum periods were recorded if the abstractor noted 2 or more blood pressure readings ≥ 140 mm Hg systolic or ≥ 90 mm Hg diastolic during the delivery hospitalization, or an ICD - 9 diagnosis indicating pregnancy - induced hypertension, preeclampsia, or HELLP syndrome for that subject.
I developed severe preeclampsia and had my son induced 5 weeks early, born with an undetected heart defect, and spent a week in NICU.
Studies show that exposure to PFCs is associated with smaller birth weight in newborns, elevated cholesterol, abnormal thyroid hormone levels, inflammation of the liver, weaker immune systems, kidney and testicular cancers, obesity and even pregnancy - induced hypertension and preeclampsia.
Research results also show that the use of antidepressants in pregnancy, particularly if the use extends more than the 1st trimester, contributes to an increased risk of pregnancy - induced hypertension as well as preeclampsia.
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