Sentences with phrase «induced warming leads»

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As escalating amounts of carbon dioxide are introduced into the atmosphere, a chain reaction is induced, leading to increasingly warmer temperatures, Pelini said.
[Response: Note also that more low clouds would unambiguously mean a cooling effect, but more high clouds could lead to either a warming effect or a cooling effect, depending on the altitude of the clouds and the typical particle size in the GCR - induced clouds (if any).
Meanwhile, increasing temperature and ocean warming may lead to the reduction of diatom production as well as cell size, inducing poleward shifts in the biogeographic distribution of diatoms.
This process together with a warminginduced decreased solubility of O2 and a reduction in ocean ventilation might lead to expanding ocean hypoxia (Yamamoto et al., 2014).
Some of these climate drivers result in warming and others lead to cooling, but when all the natural and human - induced climate drivers are stacked up and compared to one another, the accumulation of human - released heat - trapping gases in the atmosphere is so large that it has very likely swamped other climate drivers over the past half century, leading to observed global warming.
Most certainly, however since we are in an inverted lapse rate at sea compared to the atmosphere the upper layers will not warm / thermal diffuse the lower layers due to a density problem induced by the temperature differences, hence the uppermost molecules will be agitated the most, which will lead to... evaporation.
So we are led to the conclusion that either the hypothesis of carbon dioxide induced global warming holds but its effects are being modified in what seems to be an improbable though not impossible way, or, and this really is heresy according to some, the working hypothesis does not stand the test of data.
Human - induced warming is likely to lead to large - scale and potentially irreversible changes in physical systems such as the oceans and the cryosphere (regions covered by snow or ice).
Intense Southwest Florida hurricane landfalls over the past 1000 years Recent research has proposed that human - induced sea surface temperature (SST) warming has led to an increase in the intensity of hurricanes over the past 30 years.
When a temperature anomaly of ~ 0.1 degrees Celsius (the difference between 2015 and the previous global heat record of 2014 — please note the above graph is in Fahrenheit, not Celsius) can lead to such an extreme carbon feedback response, we know we can expect a lot more feedback - induced CO2 now that world leaders are about to seal a 3.5 degrees warming deal — if at least 2030 pledges are not raised before the start of COP21, the Paris climate summit.
The impact of global warming on temperature - induced human mortality has long been a concern, where it has been hypothesized that rising temperatures will lead to an increase in the number of deaths due to an increase in the frequency and intensity of heat waves.
These findings raise significant questions about the oft - reported claim that CO2 - induced global warming will lead to an increase in world storminess.
The researchers found that stronger westerly winds in the northern Antarctic Peninsula, fueled primarily by human - induced climate change, were responsible for the dramatic summer warming that led to the retreat and collapse of the Larsen B ice shelf.
Also note that human induced warming probably will trigger natural C02 / methane emissions leading to further warming so anthropogenic source will probably play a decreasing role in the amount of C02 in the atmosphere as the planet moves to a new equilibrium point.
My Columbia University colleague Dr. James Hansen, for 30 years NASA's leading climate scientist, warns us that even with warming well below 2 - degree C, human - induced warming could lead to the disintegration of parts of the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland, causing the sea level to rise by as much as 6 - 9 meters.
Residence time of temperate and Amazon forest carbon in HYBRID4 is reduced with warming due to heat - induced increases in vapor pressure deficits leading to unfavorable carbon balances, which increase rates of individual mortality (Fig. 4).
Will this new interest in human - induced global warming lead to a cure of the grave US media failures to communicate adequately to the American people the urgency and magnitude of the threat to the world entailed by climate change?
The influence is clear: a pronounced recent ENSO - induced cooling which has cancelled the continued global warming due to man - made CO2, leading to the «hiatus» in the increase of global temperature.
«Human - induced warming has brought us 10 percent closer to two degrees Celsius since 2009,» the new index's lead author, Friederike Otto, said in a statement.
Therefore I should have used 3.0 C as upper limit for TCR leading to 1.05 C rather than 1.0 C for the upper limit for CO2 induced warming.
A new study alleges that human - induced global warming is a fundamental cause behind the 7.1 trillion gallons of torrential rainfall that a storm dumped on Louisiana in August, leading to a flooding disaster that killed at least 13 people and caused more than $ 1 billion in damage.
«The warming leads to a simulated long - term reduction in soil moisture which, although of weak magnitude compared to soil moisture deficits induced by naturally occurring droughts in the southwest United States, would imply that drought conditions may be entered more quickly and alleviated more slowly owing to long - term warming... Radiative forcing of the climate system is another source of predictability, although not really a welcome one, and rising greenhouse gases will lead to a steady drying of southwest North America.
An implication of the GFDL studies is that if the frequency of tropical cyclones remains the same over the coming century, a greenhouse - gas induced warming may lead to an increasing risk globally in the occurrence of highly destructive category - 5 storms.
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