Sentences with phrase «inducing synaptic»

Markram was one of the first to investigate the sequential version of Hebb's rule in a systematic way, by varying the time delay between the spiking of the two neurons when inducing synaptic plasticity.
At hippocampal excitatory synapses on pyramidal neurons the cannabinoid - induced synaptic suppression was reversed by a CB1 - specific antagonist, N -(piperidin -1-yl)-5 -(4 - iodophenyl)-1 -(2,4 - dichlorophenyl)-4-methyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide (AM251), and was absent in CB1 knock - out mice.
Mao discovered that nicotine - induced synaptic plasticity in the VTA is dependent upon one of the drug's usual targets, a receptor for the neurotransmitter acetylcholine located on the dopamine neurons.
«We found that nicotine and cocaine employ similar mechanisms to induce synaptic plasticity in dopamine neurons in VTA,» Mao said.
One problem that has been difficult to address with existing tools is the role of NMDA - Rs in cocaine - induced synaptic plasticity.
a) In the subsection «Cell type - specific NMDA - R pharmacology in cocaine - induced synaptic plasticity» we now more clearly introduce the Zweifel and Engblom studies as well as the differences between them: both of which used genetic ablation of Grin1 over 1 week but showed different results with respect to DA neuron synaptic potentiation, which was due to methodological challenges with AMP - R compensation.
2) The description of Engblom et al., 2008, in the subsection «Cell type - specific NMDA - R pharmacology in cocaine - induced synaptic plasticity» is misleading.
Amyloid - beta / fyn - induced synaptic, network, and cognitive impairments depend on tau levels in multiple mouse models of alzheimer's disease.

Not exact matches

The long - term facilitation of synaptic efficacy that is induced by serotonin in dissociated cell cultures of sensory and motor neurons of Aplysia is accompanied by the growth of new synaptic connections.
«It's predominant in the striatum and specifically affects synaptic plasticity induced by dopamine signaling.
Neuroscientists typically induce electrical pulses in the neurons artificially in order to perform research on synaptic mechanisms.
By observing these natural stimuli, professor Holtmaat's team was able to demonstrate that sensory stimulus alone can generate long - term synaptic strengthening without the neuron discharging either an induced or natural electrical pulse.
With the combined use of genetics and pharmacology, the investigators altered the production of proteins controlled by eIF2α in adult mice, essentially converting them into adolescents by making them more susceptible to cocaine - induced changes in synaptic strength and behavior.
«Our approach to use a combination treatment of DHCA and Mal - gluc to simultaneously inhibit peripheral inflammation and modulate synaptic plasticity in the brain works synergistically to optimize resilience against chronic stress - induced depression - like phenotypes,» said Dr. Pasinetti.
Previous work had shown that spines grow when neurons undergo long - term potentiation, a persistent strengthening of synaptic connectivity that happens naturally in the brain but can also be artificially induced through stimulation.
The hippocampus is critical for episodic memory, and synaptic changes induced by long - term potentiation (LTP) are thought to underlie memory formation.
«Microbial reconstitution reverses maternal diet - induced social and synaptic deficits in offspring» by Buffington et al. published in Cell on Thursday 16th June.
Recent... reports underline that tau may be localized within both pre - and post-synaptic compartments, suggesting that it may possibly induce or contribute to synaptic dysfunction.
We are particularly interested in an emotional stress - induced change in endocannabinoid signaling and synaptic transmission and the effects of stress on the activity of a neuronal circuitthat is associated with learning / memory (see J. Neurosci.31: 501, 2011, 29:381, 2009; Nature Neurosci.
BDNF induces widespread changes in synaptic protein content and up - regulates components of the translation machinery: an analysis using high - throughput proteomics.
Differential effects of synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDA receptors on Aβ - induced nitric oxide production in cerebrocortical neurons.
BDNF induces translocation of initiation factor 4E to mRNA granules: evidence for a role of synaptic microfilaments and integrins.
COX - 2 oxidative metabolite of endocannabinoid 2 - AG enhances excitatory glutamatergic synaptic transmission and induces neurotoxicity.
Our purpose is to better understand synapthopathies in general with a special focus on synaptic dysfunction induced by autoantibodies.
A deeper understanding of the pre-plaque stage is of great relevance in view of the fact that the intraneuronal compartment is also a place where Aβ can oligomerize [10, 21, 22] forming toxic aggregates which can impair synaptic plasticity [23 — 26], induce cognitive impairments [27, 28] and unleash a pro-inflammatory reaction [10, 29].
Place learning and hippocampal synaptic plasticity in streptozotocin - induced diabetic rats.
Loss of cannabinoid - induced reduction of respiration, mitochondrial mobility, synaptic transmission and memory formation.
''... we hypothesize that repeated stress - related allostatic overload may affect brain function at three basic levels: (a) at the cellular level, it may compromise proteostasis (e.g. tau protein), organelles homeostasis, and induce epigenetic changes in neuronal DNA; (b) at the tissue level it may affect intracellular communication (synaptic contacts), number of cells (reduction of neuronal density), composition of the extracellular matrix (accumulation of amyloid plaques), and neuroinflammation; (c) at the systemic levels it may alter the brain's regulation of behavior (cognitive decline).
Studies show that nitric oxide signaling and the blood flow increases it stimulates play a central role in nerve cell maintenance, growth and repair.,, Most pertinent to anyone looking to enhance their aptitude for learning, nitric oxide - induced blood flow also makes forming new memories physically possible as it plays a key role in what neurologists call long - term potentiation, a process required for assembling and reinforcing new synaptic connections throughout the entire cerebral cortex, striatum, and hippocampus.
Most pertinent to anyone looking to enhance their aptitude for learning, nitric oxide - induced blood flow also makes forming new memories physically possible as it plays a key role in what neurologists call long - term potentiation, a process required for assembling and reinforcing new synaptic connections throughout the entire cerebral cortex, striatum
One final example is the prefrontal cortex, which is thought to play an important role in regulating behavior by suppressing impulses and emotions arising from the amygdala and other parts of the limbic system.50 — 52 In animal studies, exposure to chronic stress or glucocorticoids alters the synaptic connectivity within the prefrontal cortex, 52,53 and this may limit the ability of the prefrontal cortex to (1) suppress the impulsivity and aggression of the limbic system, and (2) execute adaptive responses (rather than maladaptive responses) to stress.54 — 56 Stress - induced changes in brain structure parallel the well - described impact of significant childhood adversity on a variety of brain functions, including the modulation of physiologic responses (hyper - responsive or chronically active stress response), learning (impaired memory), and the regulation of behavior (the ability to execute adaptive vs maladaptive responses to stress).3, 39,57
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