Sentences with phrase «industrial food toxins»

From this experiment emerges the «real you,» free from the influence of industrial food toxins.

Not exact matches

Not only do plant foods tend to have significantly lower levels of industrial pollutants because they're at the bottom of the food chain, there may be phytonutrients that combat the effects of some of these toxins.
In fact, what he actually said about animal sourced foods (in this case, milk and beef) in that particular video was that they're not a «good source» of nutrients b / c it isn't possible to get certain nutrients w / o the harmful doses of hormones and saturated fats (not to mention a bunch of other industrial toxins found in animal fat).
Endocrine - disrupting industrial toxins in the aquatic food chain may affect genital development of boys
We can kind of cut out the middlefish and move lower down the food chain in hopes of decreasing our exposure to industrial toxins.
When first deciding to make the necessary changes to avoid toxins, hormones, preservatives, parabens, antibiotics, food additives, and all of the other harmful substances in our industrial and modernized food supply, it is OVERWHELMING to figure out what we actually CAN eat.
Processed and industrial foods that are loaded with toxins, heavy metals, pesticides and other harmful chemicals, artificial preservatives and additives, but also gluten, soy, fluoride, goitrogens and other allergenic and / or reactive foods can all harm a thyroid condition and even majorly contribute to its onset.
Not only must we navigate the treacherous waters of processed foods (particularly difficult for parents as advertising for the worst food items is aimed directly at children) but also contend with the growing presence of industrial and agricultural toxins.
These triple threat products contain the full complement of all - natural anti-nutrients; carcinogens and toxins that are byproducts of industrial food processing; and dubious and often dangerous additives designed to improve taste, smell, look and «mouth feel.»
Toxins now pervade the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the seemingly endless array of body care products, food packaging and delivery containers, industrial pollutants, home cleaning products, etc..
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