Sentences with phrase «industrial toxins»

Yes, people who don't eat animals have very low levels of industrial toxins in their body, but they also have very low levels of long - chain omega 3s.
We live in a world where industrial toxins have become so prevalent that none of us are free of exposure.
In fact, what he actually said about animal sourced foods (in this case, milk and beef) in that particular video was that they're not a «good source» of nutrients b / c it isn't possible to get certain nutrients w / o the harmful doses of hormones and saturated fats (not to mention a bunch of other industrial toxins found in animal fat).
Himalayan salt is completely pure, having spent many thousands of years maturing under extreme tectonic pressure, far away from impurities, so it isn't polluted with the heavy metals and industrial toxins of today.
Endocrine - disrupting industrial toxins in the aquatic food chain may affect genital development of boys
They found that vegans were significantly less polluted than omnivores regarding a whole list of carcinogenic industrial toxins and pesticides — even after controlling for age and weight, which makes the difference in contamination even more dramatic, because, of course, the vegans had less body fat.
How many months does it take to clear 99 % of the mercury and other industrial toxins from one's body, and what role might our fat stores play in holding on to fat - soluble pollutants?
But, just as these other industrial toxins were in decline, Swedish researchers noticed an exponential increase in breast milk levels of PBDE: PCB - like chemicals used as flame retardants in computers, mattresses, drapes, carpeting, teddy bears; everywhere.
Environmental health, the study of disease transmitted through the environment, included another focus: industrial toxins.
Environmental toxins such as pesticides, preservatives, heavy metals and industrial toxins are mostly fat soluble or «lipophilic» (lipo = fat, philic = like).
«As a result, the average person living in the developed world is now contaminated with up to 500 industrial toxins, few of which have been properly tested for harmful effects.»
We can kind of cut out the middlefish and move lower down the food chain in hopes of decreasing our exposure to industrial toxins.
Shoes can carry coal tar, pesticides, fungal spores, lead dust, pollen, industrial toxins and other irritants from outdoors into your home where they can recirculate in your indoor air.
Many other nutrients contribute to thyroid health besides iodine, and numerous environmental and industrial toxins can depress thyroid function.
Nevertheless, we should seek alternatives to jobs that expose us unnecessarily to pesticides and industrial toxins.
* That's why it's a good idea to tax undesirables like CO2 emissions and industrial toxins, and probably not a good idea to tax things we want like labor and education.
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