Sentences with phrase «industry adoption»

We have seen many flagship «design wins» before, and we know that they don't always equal broad industry adoption.
With prices coming down on processors, due to wider industry adoption, going this route would not dramatically elevate the cost to the customer.
«HOK is recognized globally as a champion of environmental stewardship through sustainable design, and we are thrilled to partner with them to advance our efforts to achieve broad industry adoption of the WELL Building Standard,» said Delos Founder and CEO Paul Scialla.
While the Restaurant Readiness Index revealed that QSR industry adoption of innovation has been spotty, kiosks were the one area where the best - performing and worst - performing QSRs were making advances.
It's time for our country to establish governmental cGAP (current Good Agricultural Practices) standards which include regulatory guidance and product quality benchmarks to ensure food industry adoption.
Not only do Quinn and her colleagues want to see more industry adoption of low - invasive feedstock plants, they also want state and federal governments to step up regulations and communicate more clearly between agencies.
Trucking industry adoption of information technology: a multivariate discrete choice model.
Widespread industry adoption means Qi is available in many locations where charging is most needed, including airports, autos, hotels and offices.
Global Cyber Alliance Joins Forces with M3AAWG to Drive Industry Adoption of Cybersecurity Solutions
Though no date has been set for the transition, the Blythe Masters - led blockchain startup credited its bid to «advance industry adoption» of the tech as the impetus for the move.
With industry adoption already occurring and mainstream adoption quickly upon us, there are a lot of legal issues to be sorted through, especially surrounding what brought blockchain tech into the spotlight — cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
Having recovered from its crash to $ 5,900 to currently trade around $ 10,400, Bitcoin has welcomed mass industry adoption of SegWit — coming in tandem with rock - bottom transaction fees and improved processing times.
Through research, testing and verification, facilitate rapid industry adoption of chosen strategies; and
One Segwit2x developer implemented a patch to make it easier to create bigger transaction blocks, but this doesn't appear to have motivated wider industry adoption.
When deciding which software we'd teach for our game audio course, Wwise was the clear choice because of its interface, industry adoption, and most importantly because of the incredible people at Audiokinetic who have been so helpful and supportive in our curriculum development.
The open source advantage for blockchain is its ability to lower the barrier to industry adoption of a trusted and truly peer - to - peer system, fostering transparency, decentralization, a stronger developer base, and cost - savings.
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