Sentences with phrase «industry advocacy group»

The goal of this non-profit industry advocacy group is to create responsible and nationally consistent labeling and claims guidelines, and to provide consistent quality and production process controls for the industry.
«If your teenage kid plugs his guitar into the garage, you're screwed,» Will Craven, a spokesperson for the Alliance for Solar Choice, a rooftop solar industry advocacy group, told ThinkProgress.
The National Business Aviation Association, an aviation industry advocacy group and a member of the registration task force, said in a statement that more people would register if it was free.
Another report by Kearns found that sugar industry advocacy groups influenced federal cavity prevention recommendations through strategies like getting sugar experts on federal panels concerning tooth decay.
Although parents who «volunteer» for the rallies sponsored by Families for Excellent Schools Inc. are apparently given «parent stipends» for their efforts, the charter industry advocacy group failed to list any payments for the parents who were bussed in for the Connecticut demonstration.
Sackler, a Greenwich resident whose company, Purdue Pharma, makes OxyContin, is Connecticut's leading pro-charter school advocate, having founded and funded Connecticut's major Corporate Education Reform Industry advocacy groups including ConnCAN, ConnAD and A Better Connecticut.
George Iny: president of the Automobile Protection Association (APA), Canada's oldest auto industry advocacy group
The latest legal challenge to the Department of Labor's (DOL) new fiduciary rule comes from two national life insurance industry advocacy groups, who say they are reluctantly, but necessarily, attempting to halt the rulemaking.
She is Co-Chair of Orrick's Women's Initiative and Chair of the Esoterics Committee of the Structured Finance Industry Group, a member - based, trade industry advocacy group focused on improving and strengthening the broader structured finance and securitization market.
Though industry advocacy groups such as the International Blockchain Real Estate Association are already pushing for blockchain adoption, the technology remains a novelty in this and many other industries.
«Leave it at retail rate net metering,» responded attorney Court Rich, who represents The Alliance for Solar Choice (TASC), a solar industry advocacy group.
From the reception, corporate education reform industry advocacy group, Excel Bridgeport, Inc. tweeted, «So many wonderful people in the room giving Superintendent Paul Vallas a warm farewell!!»
says David Marlett, founder and executive director of the National Crowdfunding Association, an industry advocacy group.
Sunrun executive Bryan Miller, who also serves as the president of The Alliance for Solar Choice (TASC), an industry advocacy group, told the Las Vegas Sun that organization might sue over the commission's decision.
Mitchell Singer of the Nuclear Energy Institute, an industry advocacy group in Washington DC, says the comparatively slow take up of the AP1000 could be down to its unproven nature.
The chain of coffee shops publicizes its efforts in social responsibility, but pays money to an industry advocacy group that actively opposes your right to know what is in your food.
Meanwhile, organizations like Achievement First, Inc., ConnCAN and other corporate education reform industry advocacy groups have spent more than $ 6 million lobbying on behalf of Malloy's «education reform» initiatives and the education reform industry money continues to pour in to support Malloy's political aspirations.
is the corporate funded charter school and Corporate Education Reform Industry advocacy group that spends more than $ 1 million a year lobbying and advocating for more charter schools and the implementation of Governor Dannel Malloy's «education reforms» in Hartford.
Michele Rhee and her corporate education reform industry advocacy group are back with their annual «report card.»
COGEN Europe, an industry advocacy group, claims CHP installations could provide Europe with up to an additional 120 GW of «cleaner» energy.
The industry advocacy group supports a measure by Assemblyman Erik Dilan which seeks to regulate funders in a way that enables the industry to survive in the state of New York.
«We're continuing to see steady rental demand, especially in urban areas, where nearly a quarter of the country's largest cities are now majority - renter,» says Diane Tomb, executive director of the National Rental Home Council, an industry advocacy group.
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