Sentences with phrase «industry incumbents»

The phrase "industry incumbents" refers to the leading and established companies or organizations that currently hold a dominant position within a particular industry. They are the top players who have been there for a long time and have a significant share of the market. Full definition
Industry incumbents often struggle to respond to competitors using innovative business models.
The full stack approach lets you bypass industry incumbents, completely control the customer experience, and capture a greater portion of the economic benefits you provide.
Dollar Shave Club dealt the first blow against the shaving industry incumbents, when, in 2011, its brand of raucous marketing — and a direct to consumer, e-commerce model — first introduced dollar blades to customers.
In the mid-1990s, Harvard professor Clayton M. Christensen coined the term «disruptive innovation» to describe how large and well - resourced industry incumbents like U.S. Steel and RCA were toppled by upstarts like Nucor and Sony.
But for now, finance industry incumbents are moving in with products that mirror traditional trading.
She helped fund startups like Blockchain, Blockstream and BitPesa years before they all became industry incumbents.
From Commonwealth central bankers to major credit card networks, digital currencies have been cited by many observers as a possible game - changer for the world of remittances, despite pushback from industry incumbents.
As evidenced by Ripple and Juzhen's funding, more money is being awarded to startups that are seeking to work alongside (rather than against) big industry incumbents.
When industry incumbents are rocked by disruption, they fight back.
«Today's Wall Street Journal story about Theranos is factually and scientifically erroneous and grounded in baseless assertions by inexperienced and disgruntled former employees and industry incumbents.
In a statement Thursday morning, Theranos characterizes the Journal story as «factually and scientifically erroneous, and grounded in baseless assertions by inexperienced and disgruntled former employees and industry incumbents
For six months, Theranos» position was that the Journal's reports were «inaccurate, misleading and defamatory» and that the allegations are «grounded in baseless assertions by disgruntled former employees and industry incumbents
Industry incumbents are starting to pick up on the trend.
«Initially, a disruptive innovation is formed in a niche market that may appear unattractive or inconsequential to industry incumbents, but eventually the new product or idea completely redefines the industry.»
PALO ALTO, CA (October 15, 2015)-- Today's Wall Street Journal story about Theranos is factually and scientifically erroneous and grounded in baseless assertions by inexperienced and disgruntled former employees and industry incumbents.
Startupbootcamp provides a great way for the industry incumbents to connect to startups, and to learn about their impact,» he said.
This forms the next part of the paradox: the more successful Opendoor becomes, the more of a threat they become to industry incumbents, which forces them to respond.
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