Sentences with phrase «industry journals»

If you've published articles in industry journals, tell the recruiters about it and, if possible, add links to your pieces.
You can get updates of new legal trends by reading industry journals.
One tip is to scan job ads, company websites, or even specialized industry journals.
Students who know the exact job duties and systems should start studying industry journals and news to become informed about new practices, trends or developments.
Your independent study can be as simple as keeping up to date with early childhood education blogs and communities online, or you may choose to read industry journals, publications and research studies.
If the firm is engaged in, for example, the production of clean, renewable energy, it would be wise for you to have taken a real interest in the environment, ideally, through perusal of industry journals and better yet, active membership in a well - respected environmental organization.
Researchers funded by RERI are encouraged to submit their papers for publication in top industry journals.
He has co-authored the book Embryo Transfer in Dairy Cattle, and written over 50 articles and papers for industry journals and periodicals.
About Blog Hotel Management magazine has been the leading industry journal spanning Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific and parts of South East Asia.
Hotel Management About Blog Hotel Management magazine has been the leading industry journal spanning Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific and parts of South East Asia.
She is the career expert for The Guardian, Telegraph and regularly appears in the national press including the FT and Sunday Times as well industry journals and lifestyle magazines.
She regularly appears in the national press including the Guardian, Telegraph, FT and Sunday Times as well as industry journals and lifestyle magazines.
She appears regularly as a guest contributor in the pages of multiple food industry journals, including Prepared Foods magazine's sister publication, Dairy Foods.
The sincerity expressed here, on top of the sheer beauty of her voice, even managed to convince the folks over at Online Dating Industry Journal to feature the song on their blog.
Great Wall CEO, Wang Fengying, told industry journal GoAuto: «It will take time to achieve the goal, but the goal has been set.»
According to respected industry journal Automotive News, GM has confirmed the Cruze will sell as a Chev - badged hatchback in the USA alongside the sedan that has been revealed already.
THE MARKETS — Global Publishing Summit is organised in cooperation between the Frankfurter Buchmesse and the US industry journal, Publishing Perspectives.
Perhaps most of all, he is pleased to have provided a free alternative and competition to French publishing industry journal Livres Hebdo, which costs a hefty $ 540 for a yearly subscription.
The company's first reviews in 2002 from major industry journals catalyzed the huge growth Velocity Micro experienced in the following year.
Illustrating this, one hog industry journal advises, «The breeding sow should be thought of, and treated as, a valuable piece of machinery whose function is to pump out baby pigs like a sausage machine.»
Andy has published texts and articles in a variety of legal and health industry journals, and is also a frequent speaker at hospital and healthcare symposia on a wide range of health law issues.
Attend educational events, inservices, workshops, and conferences, as well as all compulsory programs, and make use of current industry journals to improve on professional knowledge and skills
Indeed, at $ 71 billion in annual volume, the home - equity market was at its highest level since 2009, according to IMF News, a mortgage industry journal.
• Include a section for professional training and development and list things that are current and relevant to your targeted job: credit and non-credit classes; company - sponsored training; conferences and workshops, e-learning modules — even industry journals to which you subscribe or industry recognized authors whose books you have read.
Cultivate thorough comprehension of product line by reading industry journals, meeting with engineers, and touring manufacturing facilities.
McCoy and Zhao's research findings have been detailed in their article «Wildfire and Infant Health: A Geo - Spatial Approach to Estimating the Health Impacts of Ambient Air Pollution and In - Utero Stress,» currently under review by a top industry journal.
She is regularly published in industry journals and speaks at conferences around the world on wealth structuring.
Intelligence Online, an industry journal, said it «could be the death knell for the company's operations in the country.»
Magazine's «100 Best Business Books» List, the BusinessWeek Bestseller List, amazon's bestseller lists, and garnered favorable recognition in Forbes, Success and over 300 trade and industry journals, and been featured in full page advertisements in airline magazines, financial publications like Investors Business Daily, in Success, in Entrepreneur, and dozens of others.
The analysis has been published in the industry journal Nutrition and Dietetics.
DETROIT — General Motors» Saturn Corp. plans to add seven new models to its three - car lineup by 1994, the industry journal Automotive News reported in today's edition.
General Motors» Saturn Corp. plans to add seven new models to its three - car lineup by 1994, the industry journal Automotive News reported in today's edition.
Shelly Mull, with Credit Expert LLC, has been featured in some industry journals.
The work reads as a pun on Artforum, the name of the iconic art - industry journal.
These technologies only «generate electricity when their resource is available, not when it is needed,» writes electrical power engineer Bryan Leyland for the industry journal EnergyCentral.
Because it is increasingly apparent that materials relevant to IPCC Reports, in particular, information about the experience and practice of the private sector in mitigation and adaptation activities, are found in sources that have not been published or peer - reviewed (e.g., industry journals, internal organisational publications, non-peer reviewed reports or working papers of research institutions, proceedings of workshops etc) the following additional procedures are provided.
Interestingly, the only mention of a scientific consensus with regard to stratospheric ozone depletion by ubiquitous chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) refrigerants was an article in the October 6, 1982 issue of the industry journal Chemical Week.
These accolades, which come from professional peers, publications and industry journals and clients in numerous industries, include the following:
Our tax lawyers and tax advisors have taught at Canadian and U.S. law schools and are published authors in a wide variety of legal and industry journals, textbooks, publications, as well as a leading treatise on Canadian International and Cross-border taxation.
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