Sentences with phrase «industry outsider»

The phrase "industry outsider" is used to describe someone who does not have much experience or knowledge about a specific industry or field. They may not be familiar with the way things work or the established practices within that industry. Full definition
Industry outsiders often come armed with a variety of hard skills that can inject this innovation into your own sector.
His success owed much to being a car industry outsider.
Mueller is creating confusion for new webmasters and other industry outsiders because he's telling people who (should be) experts on Google's webmaster guidelines what they (should) already know, but he's being heard by people outside of the industry, from ma and pa shops to VPs of marketing.
It's almost impossible for a publishing industry outsider to chance upon the best self publishing solution; it takes time, research and, unfortunately — for many authors — making some mistakes and learning from them.
«The publishing establishment doesn't want industry outsiders to know what we provide in the book,» said Welch.
You don't have to pigeonhole yourself based on your previous industry experience — plenty of hiring managers will welcome industry outsiders.
As for «A Single Man,» I just don't see it — lovely film, but it's a talky, decidedly mannered arthouse piece from an industry outsider.
The Academy's director's branch is known for giving at least one spot here to industry outsiders, assuming you feel folks like Pedro Almodóvar and Paul Greengrass qualify as such, and though Darren Aronofsky (The Wrestler) fits that criterion quite nicely, so does five - time Oscar nominee Mike Leigh, a surprise Best Director entrant a few years back for Vera Drake and whose Happy - Go - Lucky may be his best work to date.
I am a brand new author, an industry outsider, and a baby boomer, so I've got a lot of tide to swim against, but every day, I learn more and more.
It's an example of a potential application for clean electric drive systems to meet a need that isn't obvious to industry outsiders, and one that could potentially also have a high rate of return in the right locations.
In his post, «Robot Lawyers are Not the Future,» Macmillan begins by noting that «industry outsiders are pushing technologies that many believe will transform the legal profession from a technological backwater to a shining example of cognitive computing.»
However, hiring an industry outsider can bring a new perspective to your business.
Employers will often embrace the fresh perspective of an industry outsider, just so long as they immerse themselves in this industry and improve their knowledge on the job.
I know, jargon can be pretty fun to use and starts to get instinctive when you're around it for long enough, but step outside of your industry bubble for a bit and try to approach your resume as an industry outsider.
Try to approach your resume as an industry outsider.
Meanwhile, industry outsiders and STEM professionals alike typically assume that engineering and computing jobs require more skills - based job search methods, such as creating a powerful executive resume, designing an impressive project sample, and garnering high quality recommendations.
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