Sentences with phrase «ineffective policies»

Instead of doubling down on ineffective policies, we must confront the quagmire and work toward a better solution.
Associate Professor Mark Wenitong spoke about the importance of primary health care, and of moving away from language that promotes victim - blaming and ineffective policy responses (it's worth clicking on his slide to see the detail — especially his final point).
It seems likely that many states would simply fail to meet this timeline or meet the timeline only by deploying ineffective policies
Hence, a flat yield curve can be seen as a yardstick of ineffective policy normalization focusing on the «wrong part of the term structure.»
If there is a government conspiracy to suppress the reports and keep for itself the scientific knowledge the aliens bring, it seems to have been a singularly ineffective policy so far.
Education experts have a long history of imposing well - meaning but ineffective policy changes on schools, and the authority to reform schools often lies within each state or even within individual school districts..
We have no choice now but to challenge this pernicious and ineffective policy through the courts.»
On housing it will implement a mansion tax - a pointless and ineffective policy which does nothing to address unfairness.
Third, federal policy and the sociology of public education itself allow ineffective policies to continue unchecked.
At the same time, the Administration is moving to consolidate ineffective policies and practices.
Weak and ineffective policies from a government that is compromised by its interests in short - term profits from a huge coal industry will see emissions continue to be much greater than they could be.
Nature Editorial (Nature Climate Change doi: 10.1038 / nclimate2193): Even if some sceptics consider climate science akin to witchcraft and politicians pursue ineffective policies, private enterprise is beginning to take climate change seriously.
Parker cited the «abuse» of the NYPD's stop - and - frisk policy as «ineffective policy» that should disqualify Kelly.
And this is what you get if you do the tabloids» bidding on criminal justice: wasted public money and ineffective policy.
«This law will mean so much to so many young people and their families,» he said in a statement, adding that he and his colleagues had «seen firsthand the devastating consequences of families torn apart and lives cut short by an ineffective policy of throwing children into adult prisons.»
Ineffective policies are a result of the lack of accountability which also creates bad practices and procedures.
We need to end the relentless criticism of teachers and schools, and ill - conceived and ineffective policies that punish teachers.
The idea of student loan forgiveness has always been taken in one of two ways: An amazing policy that will help usher in a new wave of highly educated, unburdened workers, or an enormous cost for taxpayers and an ineffective policy.
But a 2010 study by researchers at the London School of Economics and Kansas State University found it to be an «ineffective policy» with «no discernible impact» on broad homeownership rates.
Yet the people who argue that these are ineffective policies have a solution themselves: Allow free markets to work the same magic abroad, that they did in the United States.
Political gridlock, ineffective policies, and unmet emissions targets continue to hamper the global response to climate change.
Ineffective policies can put both employees and employers at risk.
Thank your National Association for the fact that we are now all obliged to police / enforce this xenophobic, intrusive, confusing and ineffective policy.
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