Sentences with phrase «ineffective products»

And the best part is the limited, one - year warranty to protect you against ineffective product!
Nor do you have to continue to throw your money down the drain with ineffective products that offer no true results or science.
There are numerous ineffective products available to stop digging, so be wary of where you spend your money.
Armed with that valuable information, companies can phase out ineffective product features, marketing campaigns and even entire product lines — often, in real time.
The reasoning for why failure prevails ranges from a lack of capital, poor marketing, ineffective product development or the inability to meet demand.
There are many scams and ineffective products online, and many of these companies use their marketing to trick people into buying their products.
Customers are already cautious when it comes to new products, especially those that come with a premium price tag, so the last thing retailers want is to alienate them by putting ineffective products on the shelf.
Some consumer advocates worry that insufficient testing in the 510 (k) system lets unsafe or ineffective products slip through.
This risk must be diffused by all professionals working with small children in order to stop any publicity or sale of this ineffective product implicated in infant deaths by strangulation.
New puppy owners often have a long list of what they think they need for their new puppy, but come home only to find they've forgotten some of the most essential items or worse yet, spent a small fortune and ended up with a host of wrong or ineffective products in place of what they really needed.
Retailers have a responsibility to their customers to carefully vet the products in their oral care selection, as pet owners who invest in an ineffective product may abandon the category entirely.
If during the review of the sample you can not quickly identify the objective, the it is likely an ineffective product.
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