Sentences with phrase «inept persons»

Just leave the wrong stereotype behind and use internet dating without fears to meet here strange and socially inept persons.
It has placed some very theologically inept people in positions of significant public influence based solely on their ability to pull a crowd.
Green Room continues the vein of comically inept people in violent situations, but it's too crowded and lacks the subversiveness that made Blue Ruin so riveting.
«Rather than see my work done by a completely inept person,» he said, «I'd rather not see it done at all.
problems of reliability of data... spurious correlations, heteroskedascity... all of this crap, generations of knowledge ignored as these woefully inept people suck up all of the oxygen in the funding universe... Absolutely indefensible study design, data selection, statistical analysis are the rule, not exceptions.
You can only blame inept politicians so much, when inept people keep putting them in office.

Not exact matches

There's a joint CFTC and Securities and Exchange Commission report that came out a few months after the flash crash that blames it on an effort by Waddell & Reed to sell some E-mini futures with an inept algorithm; lots of people have long had their doubts about that theory, and now the CFTC itself seems to have abandoned it in favor of the new one - guy - in - London theory.
Now as far as power goes: I take it you are aware sir, of recent increases in power usage and associated blackouts not only making the U.S. appear as inept as various two banana republics but also costing some people, usually the poorest among us or the elderly, their lives.
usually run by some inept volunteer leader... I like to call them «lack of Care Group» — out in the «world» people receive a lot of training to care for others — but in Church it's something of a free for all.
It would be nice to just blame the person in charge, because that would make the NCAA something effective, merely a noble franchise misdirected by inept, buttery hands fumbling the controls of a potentially fine machine.
People keeps repeating that Arsene doesn't do tactics or is tactically inept, but than showhow when a player leaves us for another club they always underperform.
Funny how you keep saying other people tatical inept while you don't understand the very fundamental of football.
GREAT post!!!!!! I agree with you on the people being inept and not being able to chop celery, and also the microwave packaging.
They don't know that a wailing, messy, inconvenient, impudent and socially inept little person will pierce them with a ferocious tenderness that appears from nowhere.
It works out if you have a great nurse, but if you have an inept nurse or a distracted nurse or a nurse who thinks the kind of birth you want is ridiculous or a nurse who's just a mean person, you get hung out to dry.
Funny, the opposite stereotype is used for the two main parties in the UK, the Conservatives (right of centre) are evil but competent, Labour (and Liberal Democrats when people remember them) are well meaning but inept.
Leave aside the Tories» spectacularly inept handling of statistics (most people I know have very little trust in any statistics whatever, wherever they come from), the fact is that the narrative chimes with the public because it seems to support the common experience of ordinary people - whatever the Economist may say.
Can you recall anything in the past where a Westminster governing party was «politically inept» and why do you think twice as many people vote for your party as support its flagship policy.
Cameron's been doing that, showing people that Brown is inept and waaaaay overrated on the economy, that the governing party are divided and that this government has floundered.
Shadow Disabilities Minister Debbie Abrahams said the «dodgy, inept and unjust government» had «sunk to a new low» by «stripping disabled people of their independence and their dignity».
The common explanation is that the Egyptian people, rich and poor alike, turned to God after everything else failed: the mess of the government's socialist experiment in the 1960s; the downfall of Gamal Abdel Nasser's Arab nationalism; the military debacle of the 1967 war with Israel; poverty; inept government — the list goes on.
It's not always delivered well — and it can hurt, especially when it comes from an inept boss who doesn't know how to manage people.
They ranged from what I would call a kind of morally inept level of decision making, from one person who simply didn't realize that they were being asked a question that had moral consequences to a kind of legal «officialistic» kind of thinking that said, «Oh boy!
I love the way you can «educate» without boring or speaking over the heads of the «nutritionally inept» Your site and passion is definately changing the world... One person at a time!
For example, you could be a smart, sexy and accomplished person but you are socially inept, well that might factor into their deal breakers rather than their deal makers and you will be rejected by that person.
More pointedly, the emerging conventions of digital communication have left many young people socially inept — unable to initiate or sustain meaningful conversations with their peers.
Eduard Ezeanu helps shy guys gain social confidence and socially inept individuals develop sharp people skills.
A handful of studies over the last decade have queried the widespread notion that older people are inept when it comes to adapting to technology5.
Most people cant define what makes someone socially awkward, socially inept., weird Dating, not so much.
Most people cant define what makes someone socially awkward, weird, socially inept.
There are inept thugs, a fake ruby, races through sewer lines that are marvels of invention, an outsize family that is far more stable that their precariously rocking house, and a smackdown of the French in the person of LeFrog (Jean Reno with a most apt, world - weary vocalization) that is one of the high points of a film that already scales the empyrean realms of humor.
Too bad this sincere but inept movie doesn't do justice to any of the real people whose powerful story it tells.
After the two move to Los Angeles and find their prospects drying up, they decide to embark on the project of making their own movie, «The Room,» even though Tommy is as inept a filmmaker as he is flawed a person.
The system has no time for people his age who are inept when it comes to modern technology — he holds a mouse up to a computer screen and writes his CV in longhand — and quickly brands Blake as a hopeless case.
But the people putting them together are so inept.
This is paint - by - numbers action fare that was made by people so inept, they used the wrong end of the paintbrush.
Harper and Allie are terrible people: selfish, clueless Brooklyn 20somethings who are so inept, they can't go for an afternoon bike ride to the beach without turning it into a debacle.
I was perplexed by the number of great reviews this one garnered by people obviously awed by the cast but it was abysmal writing and very inept.
This may be a cool gift idea for people who are inept in buying real presents.
Why are some people brilliant decision makers, while others are consistently inept?
In Blink he examines the process of snap decision making: How do we make choices in the blink of an eye, apparently without conscious thought, and why are some people brilliant decision makers, while others are consistently inept?
I've seen similar things in the indie movie world where a few of the competent people get lucky and progress upwards but the rest give up after a few years, while the inept keep making bad movies forever.
It seems almost common sense to many — but this study proves that dogs are hard - wired to pay attention to people, while there's no ethological or genetic advantage for wolves to do that, so even socialized wolves are pretty inept at it.
I would add that pet parents need to be observant and when a new behavior or symptom appears, do not ignore it, as just with people, early detection / diagnosis (unless you're dealing with inept vets, as we were with Peach) is the best way to keep your companion animal healthy.
Many people believe that to be in fact a viable solution, and when the dog does not catch on, blame the pitifully, inept, four - legged creature's problems on its breeders, gene pool, and any other excuse they can come up with.
In one year my practice treated 773 dogs — 79 of them, that's 10 percent, had problems of fearfulness towards people or the environment due to a lack of early socialization or habituation and a further 4.5 percent were inept at relating to other dogs, again due to a lack of early socialization.
Package came ripped and taped back together by some person who must have been inept.
The industry is leaving a lot of experience at the door by not recognizing experienced engineers that go through the effort of learning game design, and quite honestly, those people are probably going to be much better right from the start, as opposed to a fresh out of college kid who has to be told how to program for other people's work, and from my experience, most college level game engineering degrees turn out engineers which are woefully inept at what actually is required for high end game development.
There wasn't any rhyme or reason to her condemnation of these people, she just latched on to them and assaulted them psychologically and emotionally until they either quit or were beaten down with lists of fabricated missteps to justify their labelling as inept and fired... I worked at MOCA for 28 years until Helen fired me a year and a half ago.»
The people who conducted the inquiries seem to be either devoid of integrity or totally inept in understanding the basics of science.
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