Sentences with phrase «inequality problem»

The phrase "inequality problem" refers to the issue of unfair differences in wealth, opportunities, or treatment among individuals or groups. It means that some people have more advantages or benefits compared to others, creating a lack of fairness or imbalance in society. Full definition
«The real issue is the distribution of that money, because we have an education inequality problem in this state.»
Many of the high - ranking bureaucrats de Blasio has charged with correcting New York City's «tale of two cities» income inequality problem are quite well off themselves.
This Triangle Worksheet will produce triangle angle inequality problems.
At a Women in Government and Politics panel discussion today, three high - profile MPs from each of the main parties gave their answers to the gender inequality problem
They created a Frankenstein formula that caps funding increases and will actually increase the funding inequality problem over time.
Triangle Inequalities of Sides Worksheets This Triangle Worksheet will produce triangle side inequality problems.
Eric refers to question 24, a compound inequality problem which you can find here.
Many of the high - ranking bureaucrats Mayor Bill de Blasio has charged with correcting New York City's «tale of two cities» income inequality problem are themselves members of the wealth - agglomerating class.
Triangle Inequalities of Angles Worksheets This Triangle Worksheet will produce triangle angle inequality problems.
There's no easy fix to America's inequality problem, and the data show that it isn't going away any time soon.
Canada has an inequality problem.
We know the inequality problem all too well, but what is the answer to addressing it?
According to Mr Alston, Ghana is likely to fall short of meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals, especially the eradication of poverty if it fails to tackle the inequality problem in the country.
Academic literature also drives home the point that the inequality problem that people with disabilities have is not that they are abnormal or flawed.
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