Sentences with phrase «inerrancy of»

We are committed to the historic foundations of the faith, the inerrancy of Scripture in its original manuscripts, the deity of Christ, His uniqueness as a means of salvation and the existence of hell.
The most basic understanding of the Inerrancy of Scripture is that Scripture has «no error» or is «without error.»
Here is what I was taught about the Inerrancy of Scripture.
But regardless of what people think about the book of Job, even those who believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture believe that Job contains some incorrect ideas about God.
I have no answers about the inerrancy of Scripture, or inspiration of it.
Again, Jeremy's words: ««if you have ever had concerns about «going down the slippery slope» by giving up the belief in the inspiration or inerrancy of Scripture, this book is an excellent source to see how someone can abandon these and still hold on to their faith.
While I appreciate such reverence and respect for the Bible, I think the problem with this statement, and with the doctrine of inerrancy as it is often explained, is that it (inadvertently) relies on the inerrancy of the reader to hold together.
I struggled with questions about religious pluralism, the destiny of the un-evangelized, the Problem of Evil, the inerrancy of the Bible, and much more.
A thought that arose as I read your comment: The debates over the inerrancy of the Bible — are they not just camouflaged debates about the inerrancy of my or your or whoever's interpretation?
An integral part of the infallibility and inerrancy of the Word of God is the way it calls us and leads us and teaches us to be the family of God — living here and now as children of a God of unrestrained love and unconditional grace gathered as a community of justice and compassion who are living lives of generosity, hospitality, and service.
You wrote: «if you have ever had concerns about «going down the slippery slope» by giving up the belief in the inspiration or inerrancy of Scripture, this book is an excellent source to see how someone can abandon these and still hold on to their faith.»
Some years before Harold Lindsell triggered The Battle for the Bible in 1976 (9) by arguing that inerrancy is the hallmark of evangelicalism, the AG published in 1970 an official position paper bearing the title «the Inerrancy of the Scriptures.»
the infallibility of Benedict XVI, Heaven, Hell, Limbo, a priests ability to forgive sin.the inerrancy of the bible, Fatima, Lourdes, Knock etc, that humans actually needed a redeemer etc.
The Trinity The Full Deity and Humanity of Jesus Christ The Spiritual Lostness of the Human Race The Substitutionary Atonement and the Bodily Resurrection of Christ Salvation by Faith Alone The Physical and Visible Return of Christ The Authority and Inerrancy of Scripture
The strength of this view is that it allows a straightforward reading of Scripture and allows you to easily affirm the full inerrancy of Scripture.
I still believe in the authority and inerrancy of Scripture, and I'm not going to argue too much with the translation of theopneustos as God - breathed.
But when we misunderstand the purpose of the inerrancy of Scripture, we think that the Bible is without error so that we can have an infallible and perfect guide for how to live our life now.
In seeking a solution to the problem of divine violence in the Old Testament, I was quite hesitant to accept any view which called into question the traditional understandings of the inspiration or inerrancy of Scripture.
But the reason I am convinced of it is because I can think of no other way to (1) allow Jesus to truly represent the fullness of the Godhead (Col 2:9) and (2) maintain the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.
Now that I have summarized what I was taught in Bible College and Seminary about the inerrancy of Scripture (Inerrancy 1, Inerrancy 2, Inerrancy 3, Inerrancy 4), let me turn to asking the questions about inerrancy that I had neither the time nor the courage to ask while I was in seminary.
There should probably also be a statement about the authority of Scripture (even if we didn't necessarily all agree on the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture).
Interestingly enough the inerrancy of scripture was 2nd for me.
The inspiration and inerrancy of scripture was the first piece in my theology to fall under question that started my long road of deconstruction.
Fundamentalism has been characterized by (1) vigorous resistance to developments in the world of science that appeared to contradict the Biblical text; (2) Biblical literalism; (3) individualism; (4) moralism; and (5) insistence on belief in certain «fundamentals» such as the inerrancy of the Scriptures, the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, and his second coming.
I discuss some of these things more in other blog posts on the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.
I believe in the inerrancy of the Scriptures also — of the «autographs.»
Alan, No, my faith in God and in Jesus Christ is not in question, but to be completely candid, my faith in the inerrancy of Scripture is.
The vocal insistence of the religious right on biblical «creationism» and such doctrines as the inerrancy of the Bible is likely to create a one - sided impression of the Christian faith and to turn away people who are not aware of other Christian views.
Furthermore, Schweizer is somewhat liberal in his understanding of the inerrancy of Scripture.
This eventually led me to become a more liberal Christian who didn't hold to the inerrancy of the Bible.»
I think that maybe what I have presented is a bit of a stretch, but if I am going to maintain some bit of sense of the inerrancy of this text, I can see no other way of reading about the drowning of the Egyptian army in Exodus 14 through the lens of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for His enemies.
You are absolutely right that we must distinguish between the inerrancy of Scripture and our interpretation / understanding of Scripture.
By the fundamentalist Protestant type we mean those churches which hold to the verbal inspiration and hence the literal inerrancy of the Bible, and which defend as of vital importance certain creedal dogmas, notably the virgin birth, the blood atonement, the physical resurrection of Christ, and his visible second coming.
In a theological disagreement, people need a way to discredit their opponent, and by far the most widely used tactic throughout church history (including today) is to accuse a theological opponent of not believing in the inerrancy of Scripture.
As a matter of fact, I am now studying about the inerrancy of the OT, because there are passages that don't go along with Jesus either — and that he rebukes.
At one extreme there are many conservative Christians, both in sects and in the major communions, who, because of their belief in the authority and inerrancy of Holy Scripture, still look expectantly to a future point in time when the world will come to a sudden end and when, at the Judgment which follows, there will be a general resurrection of all the dead in some bodily form.
There are virtually no American Catholics who believe the fundamental inerrancy of the Bible.
These beliefs, in reaction to evolutionary theories and Biblical criticism, included the verbal inerrancy of scripture, the virgin birth, a substitutionary theory of the atonement and the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.
There could actually be many questions behind this question such as Do you believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible?
Yes, been having similar conversations about what some view as the inerrancy of the bible, literally «the word of God».
As one might expect, however, Barr is at his best when he returns again and again to his central theme — a critique of the style of biblical interpretation that follows from the fundamentalist commitment to a doctrine of the «inerrancy of Scripture.»
It began to happen a few years ago when a fundamentalist majority in the Southern Baptist Convention took control and insisted upon the inerrancy of the scriptures.
These dissenters hold to inerrancy of Scripture, see both the faith and the world as caught in a militant struggle between the faithful and the secularizers (or compromisers), and understand history in terms of a dispensational premillennialism.
These writers admit that there may well be biblical inaccuracies, and that the inerrancy of every verse can be challenged.
The moderates seek the inner light and read deeply in the Scriptures; the fundamentalists seek the inner light and defend the inerrancy of the Scriptures but do not read the Scriptures, which are iconic for them.
Lindsell, in his book The Battle for the Bible, contends that the Bible itself and the history of the Christian church support a view of inspiration that insists on the inerrancy of the autographs of Scripture in every detail of chronology, geography, astronomy, measurement, and the like, even when such details are incidental to the central intent of the passage.»
The context of the remark is a response from the pope to a detractor of the inerrancy of scripture.
The sermon sparked a controversy among some theologians and bloggers, who suggested that Stanley — who is one of the most influential pastors in the country — was questioning the inerrancy of scripture.
Besides, this view also contains a rejection of the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture, both of which I would like to retain.
We have been discussing the inerrancy of Scripture and how to read the Bible in a way that stays true to the way the Bible functions and why the various authors wrote what they did.
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