Sentences with phrase «inevitable conclusion of»

Realizing such a solution will require a deliberate focus on compliance, the seemingly inevitable conclusion of the SEC's statements to date is just this: innovative as it may be, the ICO structure didn't supersede nearly 100 years of legal precedent.
The inevitable conclusion of this is that we are depending on the various climate codes to be nearly 100 % perfect in removing this warming shift, of being insensitive to it, for the assertions about global warming to be real.
RealClimate» Michael Crichton's State of Confusion The inevitable conclusion of the novel is that global warming is a non-problem but not so fast... as this commentary shows....
The inevitable conclusion of the book is that global warming is a non-problem.
This in conjunction with the viewer's inability to intervene leads one to the inevitable conclusion of comical error and exhaustion.
Collecting his work inside coarsely built wooden boxes with texts and images of the Kristigarbha, the coffins seem to be the inevitable conclusion of the artist perceiving his footsteps — from modernist experimentations, to voicing against political situations or the self - reflection and struggle with his own ethics — in a historical context, and organizing a funeral for his works.»
Questions of «curses», the fragility of life and the inevitable conclusion of death are the standout themes of this story, but their interpretation is left solely to the player.
Even John Calvin himself believed in double - predestination, the modern Calvinists have done some pretty incredible mental gymnastics to try to avoid this inevitable conclusion of Calvin's doctrine of election.
The Parent has been waiting and watching because the Parent knows that some day that lost child will reach the inevitable conclusion of the unavoidable journey, the last mile of which always brings the child home.

Not exact matches

«If you accept evolution, even a well - meaning, theistic evolution, this will eventually become pantheistic evolution, which in turn will become atheistic evolution» — as if this were a series of logical steps to inevitable conclusions.
If that discussion leads to the conclusions that sex before marriage is inevitable and, in their minds, desirable in their individual particular circumstances, then I would want each of my daughters to be well advised professionally and to have access to the best contraceptive devices available.
On the other hand, the multi-media deluge is likely to leave many visitors feeling neurologically if not emotionally depleted by the time they move on to the Al - Qaeda display, the huge 9 / 11 - aftermath section, and the supposedly inspirational conclusion suggesting ways to commemorate 9/11, including the inevitable appeal for a national day of service.
Yet one wishes the book had another chapter (or a reflective conclusion) that addresses the inevitable questions raised by any discussion of the just society.
CS Lewis is actually the first person in church history to make the logical conclusion that the inevitable result of same sex attraction is celibacy.
The Catholic Herald reported it fairly straight, giving the bare facts with what seemed at first (and still seems to most) the inevitable conclusion: «Pope Benedict XVI has told the 86 year old founder of the Legionaries of Christ, one of the Church's most dynamic new orders, to stop saying Mass in public following an investigation into charges of sexual abuse.
Enns skillfully dismantles some of the common responses to these passages — that the Canaanites were super-duper evil and therefore deserved to be exterminated, that war with the Canaanites was inevitable, that God's bloodthirsty portrait in Joshua is balanced out by more flattering portraits elsewhere in Scripture, that questioning biblical accounts of God - ordained genocide is sinful because God can do whatever God wants to do, etc — before offering his own controversial, yet well - argued, conclusion: «God never told the Israelites to kill the Canaanites.
Such a conclusion as this is indeed inevitable from that particular conception of the facts.4
Moreover, he would be quick to acknowledge that the most frequent and fertile source of error in a metaphysics that follows his method would be the inevitable human limitations upon the metaphysician's powers to abstract from his experiences with sufficient generality for his conclusions to be universally valid.
If matter were indeed the ultimate unknowable and were meaningless, then Sartre would be right and the turn to a «God of love» would be an attempt to escape the inevitable conclusion that individual existence is indeed intrinsically empty and absurd.
[14] The inevitable conclusion was that «every sort of heresy is tolerated but there is an instinctive shudder at anything Catholic.»
The conclusion of Sunday's Royal Rumble felt inevitable for most of 2014.
It's a testament to this seasons performance and inevitable conclusion that the little group of ex pats only 30 miles away from the town have bonded with a commonality that otherwise would not have occurred
Some also said it was inevitable that research would eventually lead us to one ineluctable conclusion: that football poses an unacceptable level of risk of long - term injury.
Citing carefully filtered sources (among them, the musings of reality TV stars and some 16 - year - olds posting on a site called, she draws the inevitable conclusion that as a culture we're drowning in a sea of narcissism:
That's the inevitable conclusion from their campaign this week which has focused almost exclusively on ramping up English fears about the rise of the SNP.
Before we plunge into the inevitable frenzy of the Fall campaign season, let's take a few minutes to draw some conclusions about the world of online politics from the candidates» experiences in the race so...
Before we plunge into the inevitable frenzy of the Fall campaign season, let's take a few minutes to draw some conclusions about the world of online politics from the candidates» experiences in the race so far.
A comparison of the government's own figures makes such a conclusion inevitable.
Thank goodness that there is still some part of our parliamentary system from which it remains possible to speak from outside the nasty but inevitable union between, on the one hand, what has always been the anti-parliamentary New Left and, on the other hand, the sociologically indistinguishable New Right's arrival at hatred of Parliament as the natural conclusion of its hatred of the State.
«Travel out of the country offered no relief as nations of the world have been sold the bogus myth of «Christian - South and Muslim - North» that led to the inevitable conclusion
We are confident that such an exercise would lead to the inevitable conclusion that the NDC remains the most prepared, most peaceful and most organized party today and is therefore the one party that can deliver on the aspirations of the Ghanaian people,» President Mahama said.
The practice of science, which includes the packaging of findings from science for use in the public - policy arena, is governed by an unwritten code of conduct that includes such elements as mastering the relevant fundamental concepts before venturing into print in the professional or public arena, learning and observing proper practices for presenting ranges of respectable opinion and uncertainty, avoiding the selection of data to fit pre-conceived conclusions, reading the references one cites and representing their content accurately and fairly, and acknowledging and correcting the errors that have crept into ones work (some of which are, of course, inevitable) after they are discovered by oneself or by others.
Thus the conclusion has been that because of climate inertia, further warming is inevitable.
Once you've heard enough of those stories, even experienced them yourself, the conclusion is inevitable.
This miniseries was created to offer a conclusion to the story after it was cancelled, and as a result suffers from the kind of inconsistencies and compromises that were inevitable in trying to tie up four seasons worth of plot threads.
Writer - director Power takes the traditional set - up of young people in peril in the woods and tinkers with the narrative, building every so deliberately toward an inevitable, unsettling conclusion.
And though the film runs out of steam towards the end, taking far too long to reach its inevitable conclusion, it's hard not to get wrapped up in this relatively simple tale - which is, admittedly, elevated by some expectedly great acting.
So inevitable are these conclusions, in fact, that I just gave up and accepted the ending, which sidesteps a first - glance case of double jeopardy with such vague dialogue, recited in such a bland tone of sotto voce, that I only got the basic gist of how we got from Point A to Point B. With Point B such a shrug - worthy certainty, I wasn't nearly confused enough to care besides.
knows it's a foregone conclusion that nasty things will befall all the nice campers of the film, and part of the film's power is how it delays the inevitable.
The lack of momentum ensures that the movie runs out of steam long before it reaches its inevitable conclusion, and it's finally obvious that The Marrying Man could've seriously benefited from a more judicious editing style.
Killing Ground knows it's a foregone conclusion that nasty things will befall all the nice campers of the film, and part of the film's power is how it delays the inevitable.
It's also a season that, despite the dense and complex nature of its storytelling, really put the pedal to the floor as the show barrels towards its inevitable conclusion, inspiring the hashtag #EfficiencyisComing in the process.
They made the same mistake that Danny DeVito made with «The War of the Roses»: the relationship between the two leads is so horrifically lopsided that by the time it comes to its inevitable conclusion, it's hard to disagree, never mind care.
You might not have been expecting this, but Deadpool 2 is a family film according to its star, producer and co-writer Ryan Reynolds: «It might sound strange to say, but we took a lot of the story tenets from Pixar as inspiration for creating the Deadpool 2 storyline and its inevitable conclusion,» Reynolds tells me.
Director William Oldroyd maintains the style of respectable period piece throughout — no matter the circumstances, whether they be cold - blooded murder, the build - up to that inevitable conclusion, or some ordinary, day - to - day happenings on the estate.
Seriously, think about this — every other Disney film that features a love story (and almost all of them do) features the beginning of the romance as well as its inevitable conclusion.
The increasingly omnipresent actor is some way from «Breaking Bad,» a broken, grizzled failure of a man, always aware of the price he pays for running with the dicier members of society, and grudgingly, heartbreakingly accepting of the inevitable conclusion to his lifestyle when it comes.
Christine promises to be one of those films in which an impending dread hangs over its entirety, but Hall's portrayal of the title character's descent into depression adds another layer of tense anticipation to the run up to the inevitable conclusion.
It's that kind of inherent tension that «Beirut» could stand to mine, as the back half of the film speeds toward a conclusion that's both unearned and inevitable.
Although there is a lot to like here, much of the film's momentum slows considerably as it approaches the last several scenes, resulting in the inevitable conclusion you would have guessed from the outset.
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