Sentences with phrase «inevitable times»

While you need to hand in the letter personally, there are inevitable times when you just have to send it through email.
Newly engaged or committed couples can create a strong bond and communication skills that will help their relationship withstand and even thrive during inevitable times conflict.
While experts recommend handling your resignation letter personally to your manager or supervisor, there are inevitable times when you will have to send your resignation letter through email.
With all that running around, comes that inevitable time when your stomach starts grumbling!
At a personal level the prayer of the Divine Office also strengthens the virgin in her own seeking of Christ by uniting her with the whole Church, and that discipline and objective reality of the Office will sustain her in the inevitable times of aridity in her spiritual life.
Taking time to relate to your adolescents in good times helps balance and keep a healthier perspective on the inevitable times of distancing and conflict.
Every season with Mike Trout and no postseason appearance felt like a waste, and it was a slow trudge to the inevitable time when they wouldn't have Trout at all.
He is certainly only a back - up at the moment due to the excellent form of Mills and Dorian Dervite, but when the inevitable time comes that they can't play, like now, he's going to have to be ready.
I wanted to use a busy bag a day, so that it gave «Darth» something new and stimulating to do during those inevitable times we would need to spend «indoors» inside the tent, with the absence of his usual toys.
But Ms. Quinn inspires the most confidence that she would be the right mayor for the inevitable times when hope and idealism collide with the challenge of getting something done.
«Ms. Quinn, the City Council speaker, offers the judgment and record of achievement anyone should want in a mayor,» the newspaper editorial board said, adding that while rivals Bill de Blasio and Bill Thompson both have «powerful arguments» in favor of their records, «Ms. Quinn inspires the most confidence that she would be the right mayor for the inevitable times when hope and idealism collide with the challenge of getting something done.»
Your power symbol is something you desperately care about, and it becomes your healing mantra that will carry you through the inevitable times of challenge.
While we love to cook at Food + Mood NYC, we also love to seek out the best prepared food options for the inevitable times when we are too busy to cook and need someone to take care of that for us.
That inevitable time will come when you find someone you are interested in to set up a time and place to meet.
It's possible to develop a pretty good picture of how schools and districts are doing using samples of students and samples of test items — that's what the National Assessment of Educational Progress has been relying on for decades — and there's nothing magical about a school year that makes it the inevitable time period over which to assess changes in school and district performance.
«Making Sense Out Of Life» is a timely book to help people successfully navigate through those inevitable times when life hits rough waters — a job crisis, divorce, the loss of a loved one, fears and insecurities from the past, failing health, complicated relationships — and God seems strangely silent.
Since bear markets are a reality and are unpredictable, we need to add the following trading rule to ensure that we can survive those inevitable times when the market goes down for an extended period, pulling almost all stocks down with it:
On the inevitable times when the spirit sinks and you — like animal welfare workers everywhere — think you can't take it any longer, choose a cage, any cage, and go inside or sit by it.
Are you reluctant to adopt a senior dog because you fear the inevitable time of loss will be too near and too difficult to bear?
This means that you need to be selective in what missions you take, balancing the available rewards of intel, experience and allies, against the inevitable time commitment that undertaking the mission would toll.
The inevitable timed escape sequence comes next, but after the confrontation I am numb; no fear, no hesitation.
There is an inevitable time delay between the occurrence of an event and the complete dissection of its various causes, but a rapid - response study by NOAA scientists has already concluded that climate change made the Baton Rouge flood 40 percent more likely to occur in 2016 than in 1900.
She sat down with a tax advisor to develop five tips for avoiding the stress that is associated with that inevitable time of year.
You should also jot down impromptu questions that occur to you during the conversation, saving them for the inevitable time when the employer asks you for some.
That will protect you from the inevitable times you are tempted to look down at [your partner].»
«Life is a journey, and during the inevitable times when rocky waters toss us around, it helps to have a person in your life who has successfully navigated the rivers, and made it to the other side, where the waters are calm and smooth.
Anticipating this transition, the practitioner can play an extremely important role by helping to prepare the passive client for the inevitable time when he or she will have to deal directly with the other party over parenting issues and for the time when the client will have to handle the family budget and finances alone.
His greatly increased sense of self - determination creates a reservoir of which fortifies him and helps him tolerate patiently all the inevitable times that he won't be able to get everything he wants, and therefore it reduces tantrums and defiance!
A good parenting plan also sets out dispute resolution options (such as mediation or a parenting coordinator) for the inevitable time when the parents will face unanticipated child rearing problems.
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