Sentences with phrase «inevitably focused upon»

If I have to prove my worth or demonstrate my value, then my concern is inevitably focused upon me.
Given that the programs of Art Projects, Store 5 and 1st Floor were each ambitious, diverse and encompassed exhibition and publishing programs conducted over periods of 5 - 9 years, the exhibition will inevitably focus upon the principal artists, and selected works which have made influential and / or lasting contributions, or are strongly representative of innovative visual arts culture of the time.

Not exact matches

There is a general expectation of this sort of squeeze as the election approaches — the nature of First Past the Post is that votes for smaller parties don't stand much chance of being translated into MPs unless they are geographically concentrated and as the election approaches the media coverage almost inevitably focuses ever more upon the main contenders (though more on that later).
Though excitement inevitably arises, Bee Movie doesn't force an obligatory action climax upon us, instead maintaining the light and pleasant tone held throughout regardless of its varying focus.
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