Sentences with phrase «infant dyads»

Another look inside the gap: Ecological contributions to the transmission of attachment in a sample of adolescent mother — infant dyads
In a study with 50 foster mother — infant dyads, Dozier et al. (2001) found a significant association between the caregiver's state of mind and the quality of the infant's attachment with non-autonomous and dismissing foster mothers tending to have children with more disorganized patterns of attachment and the more secure and autonomous foster mothers having more secure children.
In total, 10,278 mother - infant dyads had both of the exposure variables and 3201 were complete cases across all exposure, adjustment variables and outcome data.
In general, same - gender parent - infant dyads seem to experience more synchrony [76], however one paper found that mother - daughter dyads spend less time in coordinated states compared to mother - son dyads [37].
Another look inside the gap: ecological contributions to the transmission of attachment in a sample of adolescent mother - infant dyads.
Over 100 healthy, monolingual infants each underwent multi-domain testing at 6 and again at 10 months in six experimental tasks (speech processing, face processing, and action / event processing), as well as a videotaped 3 - minute recording of mother / infant dyads in a play... session with an identical set of toys.
Strange Situation episodes of 75 socially at - risk mother — infant dyads were coded for infant indiscriminate attachment behavior on the newly developed Rating for Infant — Stranger Engagement.
Further methodologically rigorous research is needed to examine the impact of infant massage on higher - risk population groups (for example, demographically and socially deprived parent - infant dyads).
Parent - infant dyads (including foster or adoptive carers), where the infant is aged between birth and four years 11 months, and where problems have been identified regarding the parent (e.g. bonding, depression, eating disorders, maltreatment) or the child (e.g. attachment or behaviour problems, challenging temperament, preterm birth).
We included studies that randomised healthy parent - infant dyads (where the infant was under the age of six months) to an infant massage group or a «no - treatment» control group.
Infant massage is increasingly being used in the community with low - risk mother - infant dyads to promote the mother - child relationship and to improve other outcomes such as sleep.
Conclusion The current review indicates a positive impact of peer - led home visiting parent support programs, incorporating a framework of partnership between parents and home visitors, on mother - infant dyads.
Attachments past and present: Implications for therapeutic intervention with mother - infant dyads.
Appropriate models of intervention with mother - infant dyads are available.
M. F. Erickson, Jon Korfmacher, and B. R. Egeland, Attachments Past and Present: Implications for Therapeutic Intervention with Mother - Infant Dyads, Development and Psychopathology, 4 (1992) pp. 495 — 507.
Eighty - six of 140 eligible mother - infant dyads (pairs) were enrolled.
These new findings will help enhance our understanding of how «a child's hearing loss may disrupt the natural reciprocal pattern of communication in mother - infant dyads when both the family environment and genetic makeup of children are controlled,» explained Kondaurova.
Breastfeeding mother - infant dyads are biologically designed (emotionally, socially and physiologically) to sleep next to each other, and the fact that their proximity settles infants, increases sleep for both, and enhances breastfeeding makes this arrangement hard for parents to steadfastly avoid.
Mother - infant dyads qualified to be included in the sample if mothers were at least 18 years old, and infants were born after 35 weeks of gestation or more and weighed at least five pounds at birth, were singleton and healthy.
Data were from the Infant Feeding Practices Study II, a longitudinal US national survey that followed maternal - infant dyads from pregnancy to 1 year postpartum.
A response rate was not reported because the returned questionnaires were from qualified mother - infant dyads only.
A cohort of 265 breastfeeding mother — infant dyads was followed prospectively.
It also has been hypothesized that the timing of exposure to artificial nipples is important in mediating effects on breastfeeding.2 — 4,15 Thus, according to this hypothesis, mother — infant dyads who begin pacifier use before breastfeeding is well established incur a higher risk for problems than do couplets who have successfully established breastfeeding before pacifier introduction.
The purpose of this analysis was to evaluate the effects of pacifier use on breastfeeding duration in a cohort of US mother — infant dyads and the influence that timing of pacifier introduction exerts on any associated declines in breastfeeding duration.
Even with comprehensive support, some mother — infant dyads are unable to establish sustained, exclusive breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding support is essential for all the mother - infant dyads out there who want this relationship and when I hear suggestions that we have enough of it, I can't find a wall big enough to bang my head against.
Some parent / infant dyads have issues that prevent meeting their breastfeeding goals (or current recommendations on breastfeeding duration), and we support them in providing the best nutrition available for their child (which may well include infant formula).
In our laboratory study of bedsharing compared to solitary sleeping mother - infant dyads bedsharing mothers received more sleep in minutes than did solitary sleeping mothers (Mosko et al 1997).
After receiving her master's degree in Nutrition from the University of California Davis, she spent 18 years working with hundreds of mother - infant dyads as a research associate at UC Davis.
The AAP's recommendations for infant sleep deal a major blow to the parent - infant dyad.
Dr. McKenna suggests the term «breastsleeping,» as there is no such thing as an infant — only the mother - infant dyad — so there is no solitary sleeping and breastfeeding: only breastsleeping.
Developing services that promote and / or target infant cry during the first four to six weeks may offer ways to intervene and improve the depressed mother - infant dyad.
Factors which might improve breastfeeding rates and duration in this country include broad expansion of and financial support for both BFHI hospitals as well as training for the health care personnel who support the mother - infant dyad during the breastfeeding period.
Breastfeeding and health outcomes for the mother - infant dyad.
They are a single unit, a mother - infant dyad.
The mother - infant dyad can not be taken out of its socio - cultural context.
A healthy GDP steals from the mother - infant dyad, maternal and infant health and the love of a breastfeeding relationship and valorises artificial commercial feeding of infants contrary to their and their mothers» physiological and biological needs.
The mother - infant dyad's complex communication system works to ensure the pair's wellbeing in diverse ways long before the baby will speak her first words.
Emotional availability in the mother - infant dyad as related to the quality of infant - mother attachment relationship.Attach Hum Dev.
Demonstrated proficiency during the training in the practice of FirstPlay ® Infant Storytelling - Massage during a live implementation with a parent - infant dyad.
Chronic stress in the mother - infant dyad: Maternal hair cortisol, infant salivary cortisol and interactional synchrony.
The parent - infant dyad and the construction of the subjective self.

Not exact matches

Dyads who regularly sleep together in order to breastfeed at night sleep in close proximity, face one another for most of the night, and have synchronized sleep cycles (with some evidence that mothers» sleep cycles reduce from 90 to 60 minutes to match those of their infants).
Some fathers were very «in - tune» with their infants and adopted similar bedsharing styles to mothers while others turned away from the mother - baby dyad and slept oblivious to all nocturnal interactions.
The provider will be contacting mothers while their infants are hospitalized and then see the dyad weekly in the outpatient clinic until the baby is exclusively breastfed and thriving.
It presents information on the science of psychoneuroimmunology and applies it to the maternal - infant breastfeeding dyad, presenting the latest evidence that will inform practice and, hopefully, policy.
These women and infants would therefore be more likely to be excluded from studies of predominantly normal or healthy dyads, and the effectiveness of interventions to address their particular needs not assessed.
The 2 groups of women appeared to have similar baseline characteristics: «Dyads in the intervention and control group did not differ with regard to maternal age, education, type of medical coverage, week at which prenatal care was initiated, infant gestational age at birth, race, or rate of vaginal delivery».
During a time of abundant research surrounding the long term implications of feeding practices in the neonatal period on maternal and child health, it is of utmost importance that healthcare professionals are guided by the best available evidence regarding infant feeding while caring for breastfeeding dyads.
In fact, a healthy mother - infant breastfeeding dyad is not counted in economic statistics of product and services (unlike black market drug dealing and prostitution, say).
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