Sentences with phrase «infants imitation of»

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«If infants also increase their tongue protrusions when an adult models a happy face or finger pointing, then it's not a case of imitation, but probably excitement at seeing an adult do something interesting,» Slaughter says.
In fact, they set out initially with the goal to examine whether differences in imitation amongst young infants would predict later imitation and other aspects of social development.
After testing young infants repeatedly over their first couple of months, they found no evidence at all that very young infants are capable of imitation.
The Developmental Trajectory of Imitation in Infants with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Prospective Study
Heimann showed that infants who demonstrate a lot of imitation from birth onwards have been found to have a better quality of relationship at 3 months.
In this chapter, I will focus my discussion of emotion socialization on three areas: the role played by cultural display rules and imitation; the impact of gender differences in infant temperament and language development on socialization; and the sometimes surprising influence of processes of differentiation between mothers» and children's emotional expressiveness.
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