Sentences with phrase «infect humans through»

The zoonotic disease called toxoplasmosis is spread primarily through contact with the ground outside or the more common contact with undercooked meat but this disease can also infect humans through feces and the litter box — NOT the cat itself.
By walking or playing where dogs frequent, immature worms can infect humans through exposure to unprotected skin.
Potential impact on humans: Hookworms can infect humans through the skin, causing itchy lesions and even lung disease.

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It is introduced into humans through close contact with the bodily fluids of infected animals.
Yellow Fever is a mosquito - borne virus transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito.
Humans can easily develop tularemia through incidental contact with infected rabbits, cats, rodents or other animals (and the ticks or fleas that may be on them).
Another great example is tuberculosis among elephants moving through populations now that the fences have come down around parks in South Africa and moving through human and domestic animal populations that are infected with tuberculosis or who could be infected with tuberculosis.
It didn't take long for one infected plant to infect thousands — never through the air, never through insects, but simply by human propagation,» says Bill Zettler, a plant pathologist at University of Florida.
It can be spread to humans in the same manner as animals — through the bite of an infected mosquito.
The bacteria can be spread to humans through the consumption of infected milk, beef and produce fertilized by cow manure.
«My focus was on human parasites, but through my training I became more interested in parasites that infect animals because those parasites can have a tremendous impact on humans in terms of their livelihoods being dependent on the health of their animals,» Zajac says.
For example, through direct contact with the food or with an infected pet; through contact with contaminated household surfaces; or by eating cross-contaminated human food.
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV - 1) is a virus that is spread through unprotected sexual activity, infected drug needles, during pregnancy from mother to child, and through infected breast milk.
Human infection is begun after deposition of viral particles through the skin in infected arthropod saliva.
Researchers have developed the first real - time system to watch directly through the microscope as Ebola - like virus particles fuse with human cells to infect them.
Humans can contract brucellosis through drinking contaminated milk or through direct contact with infected animals.
Most humans are infected through the bites of nymphs.
Cholera first infected humans in the early 19th century in Bengal, a region that straddles what is now the border between Bangladesh and India, and the bacterial disease still sweeps through the area regularly.
The bug can be transmitted to humans through contact with infected animals or by eating infected products such as milk or cheese.
While he initially appeared to be a dark horse for recovery, Northstar persevered through weeks of daily cleansing and removal of dead and infected tissue followed by the application of antiseptics, honey, aloe and silver sulfadiazine cream, a common human burn treatment, to his damaged tissue.
Cross-sectional infection model for skin infections: Histological section through a skin model grown in a test tube, which has been infected with Candida albicans — one of the commonest human fungal pathogens.
Humans can become infected with leptospirosis in ways similar to animals, through direct contact or ingestion or inhalation of contaminated water or soil.
Humans are also vulnerable through direct contact with the urine of infected animals.
Evidence of infection and replication of the two principal viral groups that infect humans was demonstrated for multiple passages of viruses through cell culture (Figure 1).
Earlier models inserted the virus directly to the brain, but this new model infects the mice through the skin, in the same way a mosquito bite spreads the virus in humans.
In 2011, Paprotka, et al. reported that XMRV likely originated through recombination between 2 endogenous murine retroviruses, PreXMRV - 1 and PreXMRV - 2, during in vivo passaging of the human prostate cancer xenograft CWR - R1, resulting in establishment of the XMRV - infected 22Rv1 cell line [38].
Lyme disease — caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi — is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged or deer ticks, and can have lifelong debilitating effects such as arthritis, fatigue and even neurological deficits.
The film was a great challenge for him as a cinematographer, considering the groundbreaking practical FX as well as all the ways Carpenter likes to set the moodiness and tone with lighting and painting with light (there are many hints throughout the film as to who is human and who is infected through the lighting on their face).
Apparently this virus spreads through the ingestion of the blood of an infected person, and within mere seconds of being infected, a human being will turn into a ravenous zombie which only has one desire: to seek and infect others who do not have the virus.
The rabies virus attacks the brain and central nervous system and is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected animal.
While hookworms can't be passed from your puppy to the human members of the family, people can be infected by hookworms passing through their skin from contaminated soil / sand, in the same way dogs are.
A cat can become infected with ringworm through any sort of contact with an infected animal or human.
Humans: It has been estimated that 14 % of the people in the US are infected with roundworm larvae.2 Roundworms can be transmitted to people through hand - to - mouth contact with contaminated soil, sand, plants and objects such as toys and sporting equipment.
Bartonella has been challenging to find and define, killing and infecting humans since 1885, a medical student in Peru, then World War II infecting solders through lice, killing more soldiers then gunshots, and again in the 1900's causing cat scratch fever in humans.
According to the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, FIV is a slow - acting organism, and neither a human nor a dog can be infected through contact with an infected cat.
Humans become infected through ingestion of the eggs, and may not show clinical signs until years after ingestion.
However, humans can be exposed through contact with infected rodents.
Just like human influenza, «dog flu» is spread through respiratory secretions or contact with infected surfaces.
Humans and dogs can also be infected through the skin — cutaneous larva migrans — most likely in areas of moist soil or on sandy beaches.
This zoonotic virus is almost 100 % fatal in anyone who contracts it — dog, cat, fox, rodent or human; usually spread through the bite or scratch of an infected mammal.
Humans can become exposed through contact with cat feces, contaminated soil or by the consumption of uncooked infected meat.
Both dogs and humans become infected through drinking contaminated water.
Transmission is through the bite of an infected tick and can affect many species, including dogs and humans.
Similar to the human flu, the canine influenza virus is highly contagious and is spread through close contact with an infected dog.
The disease has a high mortality rate in raccoons, and while it poses no threat to humans, it can infect companion dogs and cats through bodily secretions or waste.
Dogs, cats and humans can all be infected with this intestinal parasite through the bite of a host flea.
There are seven genotypes, A through G, with dogs being most commonly infected by C and D, cats with F, and humans most commonly infected with A and B. Genotype E and F are rarely reported.
In particular, they occur when an infected animal passes on bacteria, parasites, fungi or viruses to humans through scratches, saliva, feces and urine.
Rabies is a fatal disease is spread to humans and their pets through the bite of an infected animal.
This dog disease can be transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected pet.
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