Sentences with phrase «infect people cause»

An amoeba is a single - celled organism, and most species that infect people cause only mild stomach upset.

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The virus, which causes symptoms similar to those caused by E. coli, can be contracted from an infected person or from contaminated food, water or surfaces.
As a 2009 CDC document about Zika notes, we thought the same about West Nile virus — until we realized that it could cause serious neurological illness in a very small percentage of people infected with it.
Shipments whose content or exterior make - up could injure or infect persons or cause damage to property;
For most people — it's no big deal, and they live good happy lives and such, but sometimes, this little seed of unreason seeps into the rest of the mind, and infects it with its unreason, causing the person to think, say, and sometimes act in ways that are totally unreasonable.
It can cause massive internal bleeding and is spreading throughout Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea infecting hundreds of people at an unprecedented rate.
Ergot is a precursor to LSD and some experts believe it caused the Salem witch trials because people afflicted with ergotism from infected bread acted so strangely they were thought to be witches.
'' He listed the dicease's symptoms to include severe headache, fever, back pains among others.According to him, «most worrisome of all the signs are rashes bigger than those caused by chicken pox, which is usually frightening and usually spread to the whole body of infected persons.
The Powassan virus is spread to people by infected ticks, and can cause central nervous system disruption, encephalitis, and meningitis.
Most people become infected with EBV, which is often asymptomatic but commonly causes infectious mononucleosis.
By 2000, 33 million people were infected, 14 million had died, and in Africa it had become the number one cause of death through infectious disease.
Chikungunya now infects about 1 million people a year around the Indian Ocean and causes intense joint pain which can persist for years.
The natural forms of these small viruses normally infect people without causing disease.
«This study provides support for this idea that antibodies under certain conditions can be bad and actually cause severe disease when people are infected with dengue,» says viral immunologist Sujan Shresta of the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology in California.
The Epstein - Barr virus, which infects some 90 % of Americans, may cause changes in gene expression that dramatically increase a person's chance of getting lupus and six other autoimmune disorders, a new study by Harley, now a rheumatologist at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center in Ohio, and colleagues shows.
A direct estimate of the number of UK people infected with the agent that causes vCJD, but not yet displaying symptoms, has been produced.
Before the Black Death (Eurasia 3,000 - 5,000 years ago) In 2015, geneticists discovered aDNA from plague - causing Yersina pestis bacteria in the teeth of Bronze Age Eurasians, revealing that less - contagious strains infected people millennia before historically documented pandemics.
Almost one in six people worldwide are infected by parasitic worms, while parasitic infections of livestock cause economic losses of billions of Euro per year.
HIV, the virus that leads to AIDS, has infected 60 million people worldwide (causing 25 million deaths) since it was discovered in humans in 1981.
Clostridium difficile, a deadly bacterium spread by physical contact with objects or infected people, thrives in hospitals, causing 453,000 cases a year and 29,000 deaths in the United States, according to a 2015 study in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The virus has caused 1,564 reported human infections to date in several epidemic waves (SN: 3/22/14, p. 32), and 39 percent of people infected have died.
People infected with Ebola virus were 20 percent more likely to survive if they were co-infected with malaria - causing Plasmodium parasites, according to data collected at an Ebola diagnostic laboratory in Liberia in 2014 - 15.
More than 40 percent of people around the world are at risk of being bitten by mosquitoes infected with the virus that causes Dengue fever and more than 100 million people are infected, according to eLife.
The new study revives suspicions that adenoviruses cause an immune «own goal», priming people's immune systems to produce CD4 cells — the very cells that HIV prefers to infect — and, worse still, to direct those cells to the parts of the body that are most vulnerable to the virus during sex.
Early results show that the capsules have cured 32 people infected with drug - resistant Clostridium difficile, a dangerous microbe that installs itself in the gut and causes inflammation marked by diarrhea, cramping and pain.Thomas Louie, an infectious disease physician at the University of Calgary in Alberta, presented the data on October 3 at ID Week, a meeting of infectious disease specialists.
«Because the bacterium that causes TB can lie dormant in someone's lung for months or even years before it causes disease, we had no way of knowing whether a TB case we have just diagnosed was a recent infection — suggesting the outbreak is still going on — or whether the person was infected years ago.»
This will provide information that could be used to illuminate how malaria — a disease which causes more than half a million deaths a year — is spread from human to human by parasite - infected female mosquitoes which bite people to feed on blood they need in order to reproduce.
Since the 1960s, the seventh known pandemic has infected 3 million to 4 million people and killed nearly 100,000 every year, with a new strain causing particular devastation in Haiti recently.
The germs that cause bacterial meningitis can be spread by coming into contact with an infected person in the community or after undergoing a neurosurgical procedure in a health care facility.
But previously unknown variants of the plague - causing bacterium Yersinia pestis infected people several thousand years earlier, a new study finds.
Y. pestis was initially passed from person to person — say, when an infected individual coughed on a healthy person — and most likely caused lung infections known as pneumonic plague or blood infections called septicemic plague, the researchers report October 22 in Cell.
The Epstein - Barr virus (EBV), which infects some 90 % of Americans, may cause changes in gene expression that dramatically increase a person's chance of getting lupus and six other autoimmune disorders, a new study by Harley and colleagues shows.
Although the cholera bacterium, Vibrio cholerae, is usually thought of as a disease - causing organism, most strains never infect people and live freely in estuaries and other brackish waters.
A new study of ancient DNA from the teeth of 101 Bronze Age skeletons has found that seven people living 2800 to 5000 years ago in Europe and Asia were infected with Yersinia pestis, the bacteria that causes the plague.
Ordinarily, malaria - causing parasites seal themselves behind two membranes inside red blood cells of infected people.
Science publishes paper that estimates 23,000 people in Mexico were infected by 30 April, and that the virus looks similar in severity to one that caused 1957 pandemic.
Researchers have shown that in an infected person, changes in the envelope gene can cause NSI viruses to mutate to SI forms, causing a rapid deterioration in health.
We take it for granted that tickling causes laughter and that one person's laughter will easily «infect» other people within earshot.
These include Plasmodium (that causes malaria and about 440,000 deaths every year), Toxoplasma (that causes congenital disease and opportunistic infections in immunocompromised people), Babesia (that infects cattle), etc..
Sasisekharan points out that more surveillance is needed to determine whether these mutations are present in the strain that is causing the current outbreak, which is most prevalent in the Indian states of Gujarat and Rajasthan and has infected more than 20,000 people so far.
And so, the pilot study does not cause immediate concern for special side effects in HIV - infected persons.
INJECTIONS of reovirus, a harmless virus that infects most people at some point but rarely causes symptoms, appears to boost the action of cancer drugs.
The largest outbreak in history — the 2013 - 16 Western African epidemic — caused more than 11,000 deaths and infected more than 29,000 people.
The Harvard researchers have also implicated two cancer - causing viruses: human papilloma virus, which can cause cervical cancer, and Epstein - Barr virus, which infects about 95 per cent of people and has been linked to several types of tumour.
The fungus in question, Cryptococcus neoformans, infects people with weakened immune systems and is notoriously difficult to treat, causing about 600,000 deaths worldwide every year, including about one - third of AIDS - related deaths.
More than 3.7 billion people under 50 years old — 67 percent of the population — are infected with two common herpes viruses that cause genital herpes or cold sores around the mouth, according to the World Health Organization.
Hepatitis B virus, which has infected nearly two billion people worldwide, is a leading cause of liver disease.
More than 1 billion people are infected with disease - causing species worldwide, while other strains flourish in wheat, corn, and other crops, where they destroy food harvests.
HIV, which can cause the fatal immune - deficiency syndrome known as AIDS, is estimated to infect about 1 million people in the U.S. and 35 million people worldwide.
«In people chronically infected with hepatitis B or C, human papillomaviruses or other viruses known to cause cancer, radioimmunotherapy could potentially eliminate virus - infected cells before they're able to transform into cancer cells.»
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