Sentences with phrase «infected by a cat»

If your cat is heavily infected by cat tapeworms you can expect to see the following:
Humans can be infected by cats via scratching or biting, or by coming in contact with fleas or flea dirt, which are small pellets of flea excrement.
They can also become infected by cat bites or blood transfusion from an infected cat.
Likewise, your cat could be infected by a cat that appears healthy.

Not exact matches

Thanks to vaccination helping to keep disease levels down, less than 1 - 2 % of healthy cats in the world are infected by feline leukaemia [1].
This surely contributes to the rarity or nonexistence of human - to - human transmission of rabies (acquired by the bite of an infected dog or bat); cat - scratch disease (which causes skin lesions and swollen lymph nodes); tularemia (a disease, often acquired when hunting and cutting up an infected rabbit, that can cause skin ulcers, swollen lymph nodes, and fever); and BSE (probably acquired by eating the nervous system tissue of infected cows).
Transmission can occur by ingesting oocytes from infected cat feces or by eating undercooked meat containing Toxoplasma cysts.
When infected by HIV - 1, H938 produces high levels of CAT.
In order to complete the parasite's life cycle, an infected secondary host must be eaten by a cat.
Immature fleas (larvae) begin the cycle by swallowing the eggs of the worm and infection is passed on to a cat when it eats an infected flea during grooming.
Even if you have an indoors - only cat, she can be infected from fleas transported into the home by the dog or even by you.
The most common types of tapeworm that infect cats are called Dipylidium caninum and are transmitted to cats by fleas.
Campylobacteriosis — Campylobacteriosis is a common cause of diarrheal illness in the U.S., and is lumped with eating raw or undercooked meat, but you can get it by handling the stool of an infected dog or cat.
According to an article published by the Culpeper Star Exponent about fending off Bartonella henselae, 1 in 3 cats are infected with this disease.
FeLV - C is by far the rarest, found in only about one percent of infected cats, and causes severe anemia.
The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that without supportive medical treatment up to 90 % of cats infected by the feline distemper virus die.
Women who are pregnant must be aware that contact with dirt that has been used by an infected cat is also a danger.
Often spread by wet sneezes, and even from their own mothers, kittens and cats with weakened immune systems are more likely to become infected.
If a mouse should swallow the oocysts, a cat may become infected by eating the infected mouse.
By keeping your pets separated from the infected cat, you decrease the chances of infection from one pet to the others.
The virus is also transmitted by humans when they handle sick cats and do not wash their hands or do not wear protective clothing or if contaminated clothing is not removed after touching an infected cat.
The virus is spread by bite wounds or by contact with an infected cat.
If a pregnant cat is infected by the distemper virus her developing kittens may be killed or injured.
Dogs and people (but not cats) typically develop the symptoms of RMSF within a few days to weeks of being bitten by an infected tick.
It is spread by infected cats and in rare cases from a virus that is on a contaminated surface.
If a kitten is bitten by an FIV - infected cat, he or she can develop a true infection.
Both kittens and adult cats may become infected by swallowing roundworm eggs (eggs picked up on the fur or feet from contact with infected cats» bowel movements) which contain infective larvae.
Pets can easily be infected by intestinal parasites, a source of disease in not only cats and dogs, but also in the humans who care for them.
A fully - grown dog or cat can pick up the parasites by eating infected food or water, or feces found in soil, thereby ingesting roundworm eggs too small to be noticeable.
This virus is caught by direct contact with an infected cat.
Cats get infected by hunting and eating prey, eating raw food diets, or by inadvertently licking oocysts during grooming.
Most frequently, the cat gets infected with parasites by ingesting parasites eggs.
Infection with the Feline Leukaemia Virus can result in a multitude of serious health problems: from anaemia, certain types of cancer to secondary problems caused by a deficient immune system and to complicate matters these problems may not show up for a very long time after infection After initial exposure to the virus, a cat may show no signs of its presence for months, if not years, and in this time it may infect other cats through the transmission of the virus in saliva, for example through sharing food and water bowls or biting.
Tapeworms can infect people but the are transferred to people the same way they are to catsby ingesting fleas.
Cats can get heartworm after being bitten by an infected mosquito, however they are not as susceptible to it as dogs are — the worms don't thrive as well inside a cat's body.
FIV can be transmitted by a bite or scratch from an infected cat and FeLV can be transmitted by sharing food and water bowls or even a litter box with an infected cat.
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV): this is a viral disease much like HIV in humans and is passed by the bite of an infected cat.
In order to ensure your cat is protected against this potentially fatal disease which is easily transmitted by infected cats, vaccination is recommended for all cats that go outdoors, even if itÕs just in the garden.
Coccidia spread when oocysts are shed in the stool of infected pets and then the oocysts are consumed later by another susceptible dog or cat.
Ringworm infection is transmitted by coming into direct contact with the fungi, and this can include another infected cat or any of their grooming materials.
Cat owners who suspect that their cat has been infected by feline aids virus or presents with feline aids symptoms should visit their veterinarian for a complete physical examination and blood tesCat owners who suspect that their cat has been infected by feline aids virus or presents with feline aids symptoms should visit their veterinarian for a complete physical examination and blood tescat has been infected by feline aids virus or presents with feline aids symptoms should visit their veterinarian for a complete physical examination and blood tests.
Their eggs, which are shed by infected cats in the stool, can not be seen without the aid of a microscope.
If your cat is infected badly by these microscopic bugs it can lead to a situation called mange.
Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitos and infect the heart of our dogs and, less commonly, cats.
The virus is shed in the feces and saliva of cats that are infected by the feline infectious peritonitis virus.
Keep your cat indoors Staying indoors decreases kitty's chances of catching diseased prey or being infected by fleas, ticks and mosquitoes.
If you have any suspicion that your pet is infected with cat worms you should have her or him checked by a vet immediately.
Any cat can become infected through direct or indirect contact with an infected animal, or anything (dishes, bedding, etc.) that has been contaminated by the cat's skin cells or hairs.
This virus spreads by direct contact with infected cats or by contact with viral particles in the environment.
In domestic cats, the two most common infections are caused by Ancylostoma tubaeforme and Ancylostoma braziliense (which may also infect dogs and foxes).
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