Sentences with phrase «infected fecal matter»

Parvo is spread by oral contact with infected fecal matter, which can be on a dog's fur or feet, in a crate, on a bed, shoe or carpet or on many other objects.
«People can acquire the disease from cleaning litter boxes, particularly if infected fecal matter has remained in the box for several days,» he added.
The disease most commonly spreads through oral ingestion of infected fecal matter.

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Do not take your pet to high - traffic pet areas where there may be other pets that are infected, sharing drinking water, smelling each other's «behinds» and fecal matter, etc..
Kittens contract worms by ingesting worm eggs, often from another feline's fecal matter or from food that was in contact with infected soil.
More serious conditions (parvovirus, distemper) are transmitted through urine, fecal matter, or infected dogs.
A highly contagious viral disease caused by the feline parvovirus, usually spread when cats come into contact with the blood, urine, fecal matter, nasal secretions, and even fleas from other infected cats.
The main cause of whipworm infection is ingestion of parasite eggs that are expelled in fecal matter of infected dogs.
This disease is commonly spread from an infected dog to another through fecal matter.
Until the vaccination series is complete, puppies should stay away from all potentially infected public ground (where other dogs have walked and fecal matter may be present) like dog parks, hike & bike trails, and sidewalks.
The smallest pieces of fecal matter from your infected dog will be contagious, so it is extremely important to clean any area your dog has come into contact with using bleach.
This virus targets the gastrointestinal tract and is spread through contact with fecal matter and with objects contaminated by infected dogs.
Worms are usually contracted through contact with fecal matter of infected cats or may be passed to a kitten when nursing.
Parvovirus can be spread directly from dog to dog or due to exposure with surfaces or objects that have been in contact with the fecal matter of infected dogs.
Parvo is another highly contagious virus that infects dogs that come in contact with the fecal matter of a sick dog.
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