Sentences with phrase «infected victims»

The second problem terrorists face is how to infect victims with their disease of choice.
Assuming that a zombie can find one person each day, with a 90 per cent chance of infecting victims with the zombie infection, the students from the University of Leicester Department of Physics and Astronomy suggest that by day one hundred there be just 273 remaining human survivors, outnumbered a million to one by zombies.
Launched by malvertising attacks on compromised websites, the new ransomware is currently designed in such a way it only infects victims in South Korea.
Facebook, Chrome, and cryptocurrency users should be on the lookout for a new malware strain named FacexWorm that infects victims for the purpose of stealing passwords, stealing cryptocurrency funds, running cryptojacking scripts, and spamming Facebook users.
After infecting a victim, Thanatos uses a new key for each file it encrypts, but doesn't store the keys anywhere.
It does not merely infect its victims — it engulfs everything, from their cells to their mannerisms, seeming fully human while remaining utterly alien.
A marvel of economic storytelling, 28 Days Later follows a handful of survivors that evaded a deadly «Rage» virus that swept the country, the riots and destruction that ensued, and the legion of infected victims who roam the streets at night for human meat.
He's here to win money in order to pay for his young daughter Katey's Zombrex treatment, Zombrex being the new drug released to suppress the effects of zombie bites in newly infected victims.
Other people are asking for registration and personal information to make an account on Pottermore and then sending spam emails and Malware to infect the victims computer.
As the worm larvae develop, they migrate to the skin cause a severe itch, with some cases tormenting infected victims to the extent that there have been many reports of people resorting to burning affected area of the skin with hot coals or hot irons as desperate attempts to relieve the itch.
Their primary objective is to prevent ransomware from infecting victims, and if that happens, to provide a free method for recovering users» files.
The malware infected the victim's system by masquerading as fake updates for popular browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Edge — as either a «critical» update for the browser itself, or for software such as Adobe Flash.
This is the intention of these crimes, after all, as terrorists wish to infect their victims with their own nihilism.
However, unlike Techland's previous zombie release Dead Island the story of Dying Light actually manages to capture your attention as you are dropped in a wasteland filled with gruesome mobs of infected victims.
It's a botnet, called «Adylkuzz,» that infects victims» computers and makes them secretly mine a cryptocurrency called Monero to make money for the attackers — and it seems to have pulled in tens of thousands of dollars.
Powassan encephalitis (brain swelling) kills about 10 % of infected victims.
The atheist would admit that it is better to dig out a splinter than to let it fester and infect its victim — in fact, the atheist would call a doctor who refused to dig out splinters a cruel doctor for refusing to treat his patient.
To infect a victim, they pump inward such a rush of water that the pressure blows the top off the parasite and the tube shoots out like a harpoon.
They take Jim to safety and explain to him that this infection is transmitted by blood and overwhelms the infected victim with a murderous rage within seconds.
Instead, they simply bite to infect another victim.
Within seconds, the infected victim is in a permanent state of uncontrollable rage and expressing that anger as violence directed at everyone around him.
The infected victims are killed, leaving Harley to mourn their loss as she is arrested by Robin.
The malware — a cryptocurrency miner — uses the EternalBlue NSA exploit to infect victims and the WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) toolkit as a method to run commands on infected systems.
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