Sentences with phrase «infection of the uterus»

It is not a simple infection of the uterus that can be treated with antibiotics, and it can cause kidney damage and death if not promptly treated.
She was diagnosed with pyometra (a life threatening infection of the uterus which usually happens in an older dogs).
Females may also develop a potentially fatal bacterial infection of the uterus termed pyometra and this can be avoided through a spay.
It also eliminates pyrometra, a very severe infection of the uterus that if not treated in a timely manner leads to death.
They won't suffer from a potentially fatal infection of the uterus known as pyometra, and depending on when the surgery is done, they may be at lower risk of developing breast cancer.
«Pyometra» is the life - threatening infection of the uterus which generally occurs in middle - aged to older female dogs in the six weeks following heat.
Pyometra is a common infection of the uterus in older female dogs who are not spayed.
Spaying a female dog prevents uterine cancer and helps prevent pyometra (a serious infection of the uterus) and breast cancer; having this done before the first heat offers the best protection from these diseases.
This includes the fact that spayed dogs have a lower incidence of mammary cancer and prostatic disease and eliminates the risk of a deadly infection of the uterus called pyometra.
Almost completely eliminate the risk of a life - threatening infection of the uterus called pyometra, which requires emergency surgery
The new vaccines prevent metritis infection of the uterus from taking hold and reduce symptoms when it does, a prospect that could save the United States billions of dollars a year and help curb the growing epidemic of antibiotic resistance.
Female pets with infection of the uterus (pyometra) may also lick the vulva.
A few tumors may not be noticed until there is weight loss, illness and lethargy associated with anemia, secondary infection of the uterus or metastatic tumors elsewhere in the body.
The veterinarian will want to check for infection of the uterus and for any retained foetuses.
Surgical removal of retained placenta is indicated if medical treatment is unsuccessful or if the animal develops infection of the uterus.
Acute infection of the uterus can develop if the placenta is not passed.
In female dogs and cats, spaying reduces the risk of pyometra (a dangerous infection of the uterus that requires surgery), uterine cancer, and mammary tumors or breast cancer.
If your cat reaches 5 + years without being spayed, they are also more prone to pyometra which is a life threatening infection of the uterus, and ovarian and uterine cancer, all of which can be 100 % prevented with spaying.
Spaying also decreases the risk of pyometra, a serious bacterial infection of the uterus.
Since the rescue, four cats underwent emergency surgery at the SPCA for pyometra, a severe infection of the uterus that is fatal if left untreated.
Non spayed females can also develop a serious infection of the uterus.
If your cat is bleeding it could be because of an infection, for example pyrometra, which is a deadly infection of the uterus and should be treated by a veterinarian at the earliest.
An unneutered bitch is at risk from developing a life - threatening and not uncommon condition called pyometra - a potentially fatal infection of the uterus which fills with pus.
The report indicated that the traditional spay procedure has many benefits, including a decrease in mammary and ovarian tumors as well as infection of the uterus.
Although that city now has a hospital named in honor of Ignaz Semmelweis, Fiala recounts how the physician was pilloried, fired from his job, and banned from the city for his suggestion that doctors were largely to blame for the deaths of many thousands of women during the 1800s from «childbed fever,» an infection of the uterus that occurred shortly after birth.
We rushed her to another vet for a second opinion, and found out she was suffering from Pyometra — an infection of the uterus,» explains Hajar.
From her experience as an animal volunteer, Fiona suspected Button had pyometra (infection of the uterus) and rushed her to the vet who said the pooch would have died if surgery and treatment had been delayed by a day or two.
Not to mention that spaying your dog will decrease the risk of her getting mammary cancer and completely avoid the chance she'll contact pyometra, a life - threatening infection of the uterus.
Unneutered female dogs are prone to cancers of the ovaries and mammary glands, and infections of the uterus including pyometra, a usually life threatening toxic infection of the uterus.
Spaying your cat lowers the risk of breast cancer and eliminates the risk of pyometra (infection of the uterus).
A spayed female dog is no longer at risk to cancer of the ovaries or infections of the uterus.
Pyometra is an infection of the uterus usually occurring about four to six weeks after her heat cycle.
Female cats are susceptible to infections of the uterus, and mammary complications, such as cancer or enlargement.
A vast majority of unspayed older females contract a life - threatening infection of the uterus, call pyometra.
«In female pets, spaying eliminates pyometra — an infection of the uterus of older dogs that can be life - threatening.
Spayed females can not develop pyometra, an infection of the uterus that can be quite severe and can even result in death.
While being spayed, Helen, the dog from the pet store, was found to be suffering from pyometra, an infection of the uterus.
Pyometra is a severe and life - threatening infection of the uterus that occurs in females that repeatedly cycle.
Another potential problem after egg - binding is infection of the uterus or cloaca.
Both pregnant and non-pregnant bitches can also contract pyometra, an infection of the uterus.
Spaying female pets eliminates the risk of pyometra, a life - threatening infection of the uterus.
Spaying at an early age prevents diseases of the ovaries and infections of the uterus, which are a major cause of illness in unspayed pets.
Females that are not spayed before their first heat have a much higher risk of mammary or breast cancer and infections of the uterus.
This bacterial growth can lead to an infection of the uterus, or pyometra.
Additionally, an infection of the uterus, known as a pyometra, is very common in our intact pets and is life threatening.
«She had such a severe infection of the uterus, it would have killed her if it hadn't been treated,» says Meyers.
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