Sentences with phrase «inferences follows a statement»

Not exact matches

Either way, action or inaction will allow us to make some inferences about Poloz as a central banker that will be very useful going forward — this is a huge learning experience, and the statement, the monetary policy report that accompanies it, and the press conference that follows are much - reads and must - watches.
It appears from defendant's own statement, that the McIlhenny bottle and carton were used as a guide in the manufacture of his own, and the inference must follow that his intention then was to make it appear to the casual observer that his sauce and that of plaintiff were one and the same, and thus secure the advantage of the extensive advertisement and wide demand for plaintiff's product, which the stipulation shows is sold in every State of the Union and many foreign countries and is handled by a large maj ority of the jobbers in the United States.
As you read through the last two strategies (e.g., do you see what I see and statements) in this chapter, cite reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with the following statements: (A.) The use of strategies that heighten student attention to inference can significantly affect student learning; (B.) Strategies that focus on students» inferential thinking are easy to implement in our schools.
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