Sentences with phrase «infiltration rates»

Reclaimed areas, compared with unmined areas, are found to have increased soil density with decreased organic and nutrient content, and with reduced water infiltration rates [148].
greater pollutant loads due to increased infiltration rates to aquifers or higher runoff to surface waters (as result of high precipitation),
Whether it's the basic nature of heat, why we're using the wrong quantity to characterize infiltration rates, or the reason that the media's focus on caulking windows drives me crazy, I try...
Reclaimed areas, compared with unmined areas, are found to have increased soil density with decreased organic and nutrient content, and with reduced water infiltration rates [148].
Additionally, the greater air infiltration rates of open cases typically result in more frequent defrost problems, which can then mean more service calls.
Infiltration rate in soil science is a measure of the rate at which a particular soil is able to absorb rainfall or irrigation.
If the precipitation rate exceeds the infiltration rate, runoff will usually occur unless there is some physical barrier.
The infiltration rate, which is how fast the water moves through the soil, was also unchanged.
If people want to worry about humans affecting the climate they were supposed to address the change we are doing to the landscapes like reducing the infiltration rate of runoff by pavements, clear cutting forest to raise cattle or grow crops, diverting waterways or making dams, etc..
A home energy auditor or home energy rater can use it to do performance testing by quantifying the infiltration rate of a house.
In fact, the Passive House program requires a maximum infiltration rate of 0.7 ACH50.
Air Sealing: The design infiltration rate is 2.5 in2 leakage area 100 ft2 of enclosure area.
ACHnat is the natural infiltration rate ACH50 is the blower door flow rate at 50 Pa depressurization as measured in the blower door test N is a factor that depends on the climate and characteristics of the house — see below.
You are right that the initial state of the soil may mean there is a reduced infiltration rate, at least at first, and some soils (and indeed sandy soils in WA) become quite water repellant at times.
the catchment needs to be wet before you see reasonable streamflows (or you need a real downpour where rate of rainfall > max infiltration rate).

Not exact matches

Key facts about the lesson are: The content covered by the lesson are; the water cycle as a system, the states of water and the proportion of water in different states, features / components of the water cycle (transpiration, percolation etc), flows and stores in the water cycle, factors that affect the rates of precipitation, condensation, evaporation, infiltration, percolation and interception in the water cycle.
39, No. 6) say: «heavy stocking rates are almost universally detrimental to rainfall infiltration and sediment loss, regardless of the grazing system in use.»
In a range of naturally ventilated homes with airtightness ranging from 5 to 20 ach @ 50Pa, winter air exchange rates were estimated to vary between 0.2 and 0.7 ach — and the ventilation rate was not closely related to airtightness, which casts doubt on the long standing assumption that infiltration can be seen as part of the ventilation strategy.2
changes in soil moisture due to shifting precipitation regimes and evapotranspiration rates, which changes infiltration and runoff ratios;
I now do not recommend cordwood walls for dwellings, as the rate of expansion / contraction with humidity changes is very different for mortar and wood, infiltration is inevitable, unless you tightly cover the outside wall.
This is a pretty good rundown on what the various ratings on windows such as U-factor, SHGC, air infiltration mean, and how they are calculated.
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