Sentences with phrase «infinite density»

AT THE moment of the big bang, our universe emerged from a state of infinite density, a point in space and time so small it had no size at all.
Consisted of the imploded core remaining after a giant star explodes, black holes are a kind of cosmic object whose core contracted to form a singularity, a point with infinite density and the strongest gravitational attraction known to exist.
According to general relativity, the cosmos arose out of a point of infinite density called the singularity, where space and time curved so radically that the physics breaks down.
The prevailing model of a black hole's interior suggests that its heart is a region of infinite density known as a singularity.
If you find the idea of infinite density puzzling, don't worry: this paradoxical - sounding concept arises because the laws of physics as we know them break down at this point.
At the heart of a black hole is a singularity, a point of effectively infinite density.
Einstein also proposed that the universe began as a singularity, a point with zero volume and infinite density containing all the matter of the universe.
The remnant then collapses to a black hole — a singularity, or point of zero volume and infinite density hidden by an event horizon at a distance called the Schwarzschild radius, or gravitational radius.
Never static or redundant, the blocks are endlessly ambulatory, charging the whole with a seemingly infinite density.
This gravitational theory implies that when a star collapses into a black hole, its matter is crushed to a single point of infinite density called a singularity, a full stop where all quantities become infinite and time ends.
With Roger Penrose I showed that if Einstein's general theory of relativity is correct, there would be a singularity, a point of infinite density and space - time curvature, where time has a beginning.
At the one extreme lies the superconduction of the field at absolute zero temperature; at the other, the lack of radiation in a field of «black hole» entities with infinite density (so that they no longer exert even gravitational influence mutually).
In the standard Big Bang model, the universe began in a state of near - infinite density and temperature.
When matter collapses under its own gravity, it forms either a point or a ring - shaped line of infinite density.
Could the enormous accelerations surrounding a black hole, for instance, cause gravity there to become weaker, thereby making impossible the formation of a singularity — a point in space - time at which gravitational forces cause matter to have infinite density and infinitesimal volume and cause space - time to become infinitely distorted?
That's because the infinite density renders all equations meaningless.
It has time slowing as you approach the hole's edge, the so - called horizon, and then inside the horizon, time flows toward and into the singularity [the central spot of infinite density and zero volume], dragging everything that's inside the horizon forward in time to its destruction.
With no more energy from hydrogen fusion to counteract the enormous inward pull of their gravity, the stars collapsed until all of their mass was compressed into a point of infinite density.
Extrapolation of the expansion of the universe backwards in time using general relativity yields an infinite density and temperature at a finite time in the past.
«Without fuzziness, all of the matter and energy of the universe has to be packed, at the moment of creation, into a volume that is zero, with infinite temperature and infinite density.
This is one of the greatest mysteries in science, and I've spent the last few years trying to work out how to make sense of the moment when, in that picture, the universe emerged from a point of infinite density and temperature — what's known as the initial singularity.
At the beginning of his career, in the late 1960s, Hawking proved that the universe must have started from a singularity, a point of infinite density.
If Einstein's laws of general relativity were applied to our expanding universe, then at some time in the past all matter and energy must have been concentrated at a point of infinite density.
A concept from mathematics that expresses indefiniteness, singularity was used by cosmologists to characterize the «primordial cosmologic singularity» that happened 13.8 billion years ago, when all the matter and energy from the Universe were compressed into an initial state of infinite density and temperature, where the traditional laws of physics no longer apply.
They feel certain, for example, that black holes indicate regions where matter has been compressed into an infinite density.
The crushing weight of constituent matter falling in from all sides compresses the dying star to a point of zero volume and infinite density called the singularity.
It's a point of infinite density and infinite gravity, causing an infinite curvature in spacetime.
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