Sentences with phrase «infinite list»

«Almost all existing online dating sites are oriented towards keeping people online — messaging endlessly and browsing infinite lists of repetition profiles,» the founders said.
But the world is also home to a nearly infinite list of excellent sights and attractions that are harder to see without going to great lengths and tremendous expense.
From leaky ceilings to broken appliances, there's an almost infinite list of things that can go wrong when housing is involved.
Users now have the option to earn StatCoin for answering our nearly infinite list of questions and surveys.
The Fire HD 10 has FireOS, Amazon's customized version of Android, which is primarily built around blurring the line between buckets of content you own and the nearly infinite list of digital goods and services Amazon would like to sell you.
We should thus be able to create an infinite list of increasingly large primes simply by inserting each back into the Mersenne formula.
Cantor was able to show that the real numbers can't be put into a one - to - one correspondence with the natural numbers: Even after you create an infinite list pairing natural numbers with real numbers, it's always possible to come up with another real number that's not on your list.
Though Life magazine named him «the most influential person» of his generation — the most superlative of the infinite list of accolades he's gotten over the years, including two Oscars for Best Director — a large and vocal segment of the «serious» film community still views Spielberg as the New York Yankees of cinema.
I could actually dwell into an infinite list of superlatives to describe how good the film is and how it contains the most gorgeous shots that I've seen this year on a big screen.
Thus this list can be expanded to an infinite list based on the subject and field of instruction.
Colorado is a state known for its landscapes and infinite list of outdoor activities there.
At any time of the year there's an infinite list of festivals, concerts, and activities to check out, but famous landmarks like the Golden Gate, Painted Ladies, Lombard Street and Ghirardelli Square are timeless sights that can only be enjoyed in SF.
In an age where «googling» a few key words can generate an infinite list of hits, businesses attract and retain clients not only as a result of the good deals they offer, but also as a result of the relationships that exist between their clients and the business» employees.
Colorado is a state known for its landscapes and infinite list of outdoor activities there.
And the fact that it's constantly on your mind is exhausting, and even though you haven't actually applied for any jobs, the infinite list of things you have to do before you're «good enough» or «presentable enough» to apply makes you feel hopeless.
There is an infinite list of people who eat, so don't hesitate to ask people with whom you interact daily — someone in the office, someone from the office next door, your brokers, or a broker from a competing office.
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