Sentences with phrase «inflamed skin sores»

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Redness and swelling of the lining of the throat and mouth, sore throat, sores or cracks in the corners of the mouth and the lips, inflamed and red tongue, skin disorders.
Be cautious of softer and sensitive skin around the chest and breasts, and never brush over inflamed skin, sores, sun - burnt skin, or skin cancer.
I have tried many shampoos on the market to help my ultra sensitive skin condition but each one left me with sore and very inflamed areas around my eyes which would take over a week to calm down and the amount of unsuitable ingredients in each have left me stunned.
Comfrey root has noticeable anti-inflammatory effects which can benefit fungal infections if your skin has become inflamed, hot and sore.
Abscesses, allergies, arthritis, boils, colic, cuts, cystitis, dermatitis, dysmenorrhea, earache, flatulence, hair, headache, inflamed skin, insect bites, nausea, neuralgia, PMS, rheumatism, sores, sprains, strains, wounds.
Severe cases of flea dermatitis will leave cats with sore, inflamed skin.
It is these chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction on some dogs, they develop severe itching and by scratching and licking themselves the skin gets inflamed and sore.
Weight loss, poor appetite, fever, pale gums, inflamed gums, mouth sores, eye conditions, excessive thirst, excessive urination, breathing difficulties, skin infections, poor coat condition, constant diarrhea, constipation, seizures, abortion of kittens.
If his skin is sore and inflamed, the veterinarian may order a skin scraping for examination under the microscope.
Felines with cat flea allergy have a serious reaction to being bitten by a flea, their skin can become inflamed and very itchy resulting in the cat developing sores.
Raw, irritated, inflamed skin can become painful and prone to sores and infections without treatment.
Common Symptoms of Flea Bite Allergy in Pets: * Fleas, * Flea dirt (small black droppings), * Intense Itching, * Excessive Scratching, * Hair Loss and / or Bald Spots, * Sores Cause by Scratching, * Smelly Skin, * Inflamed Skin.
Dogs affected by this skin condition often experience inflamed, scaly, red, sore or infected skin.
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