Sentences with phrase «inflammatory events»

Stress hormones create inflammatory events that may explain why 40 percent of atherosclerotic patients have no other risk factors.
Together, these substances are able to alleviate articular pain while also working to reduce the swelling associated with such inflammatory events.
Intermittent dosing with rapamycin selectively breaks the cascade of inflammatory events that follow cellular senescence, a phenomena in which cells cease to divide in response to DNA damaging agents, including many chemotherapies.
Now, researchers believe «the whole atherosclerosis process begins as an inflammatory event,» explains Mark Creager, director of the heart and vascular center at Dartmouth - Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire, who wasn't involved in the study.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is marked by a cascade of cellular and inflammatory events that weakens and kills vital motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord.
The unanswered question, though, is what sets off this inflammatory event in the first place?
EPA is one of the premiere anti-inflammatory compounds in the body because it is the source of numerous messaging molecules (like prostaglandin H3, prostaglandin I3, and thromboxane A3) that send signals to decrease the intensity of inflammatory events.
I don't think its coming from the contact lens wearing per se but a result of a deficiency in these mucins on the corneal surface that makes the cornea vulnerable to infection and inflammatory events.
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