Sentences with phrase «influence editorial decisions»

More to the point, we strive to never let advertisers influence our editorial decisions.
Advertisers do not influence editorial decisions, and advertising space is sold independently from any decisions about editorial content for all materials published by AMP.
Based on this traditional journalistic norm, ad revenue should never influence editorial decisions (though as we see with 24/7 cable news networks, it very often clearly does), and editorial stances should never influence revenue decisions.
In contrast, one imagines that Denton, who is standing up to Hulk Hogan over $ 100 million, would have rebuffed Sony's attempt to use questionable copyright claims to influence editorial decisions.
Lord Deben was clearly and adamantly of the view that any criticism of the CCC's report in question has origins in a fossil fuel industry - funded conspiracy, which had even influenced the editorial decisions of the Today Programme.

Not exact matches

Our editorial decisions have never been influenced by our parent company.»
What sets Frieze apart is that its editorial roots influence and inform everything that we do — the decisions we make and the great curators we choose to work with.
I have to disagree with your statement «On the other hand, a policy that separates editorial and advertising decisions can prevent advertisers from unduly influencing our content.»
Scotsman Guide Media makes decisions regarding editorial placement and content independent of all advertising influence.
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