Sentences with phrase «influence human cognition»

Benefits from meditation appeared to have plateaued after the retreats, even in participants who practiced the most: This could have implications for how much meditation can, in fact, influence human cognition and the workings of the brain, he said.
Zanesco believes this has broad implications for meditation and mindfulness - based approaches to cognitive training and raises important questions regarding how much meditation can, in fact, influence human cognition and the workings of the brain.

Not exact matches

Although genes are recognized as influencing behavior and cognition, «genetically identical» does not mean altogether identical; almost no one would deny that identical twins, despite being natural human clones with identical DNA, are separate people, with separate experiences and not altogether overlapping personalities.
The sex hormone testosterone exerts a substantial influence on human behaviour and cognition.
It's consistent with a view that «facts» are just facts and clearly distinguishable — off in their own box, in «fact» — from ideology, that «evidence» is simply evidence, and that science is the one human endeavor immune to the influence of cultural cognition.
Special consideration is given to the following topics: models of individual - society relationships; social cognition and attribution processes; social influence processes; prosocial and altruistic behavior; and antisocial behavior (models of human violence and social - cultural determinants of prejudice).
A critical review of the influence of oxytocin nasal spray on social cognition in humans: evidence and future directions.
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