Sentences with phrase «influence policy directions»

The selected candidate will be required to represent and promote RACR and its policy positions at industry forums and networking events, work to influence policy directions in the community sector, contribute to government consultation meetings and processes.
There are three main, inter-related developments that have influenced the policy direction of the Government and contributed to the introduction of the new arrangements.

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Thus, it might have at least a little hope of a broad - based, albeit hardly ideal, appeal to some of the various groups vying for influence over the directions which policy makers choose to take.
But because sophisticated people accept these theories as the best available, they influence the direction of inquiry and thereby of policy.
Three points stand out: the parliamentary process which led to the defeat, the influence of the Iraq War, and the debate this now creates about the direction of British policy.
The obvious conclusion is that there is a worry that should the new conservative policies prove popular and increase the party's poll ratings further, then their power to influence the direction of the party back to a more right wing agenda decreases.
This outfit derives its resources from the liquidation of the Communist Party's assets built up over many decades by British workers (with a little help from their Soviet comrades) Therefore Progress can have no principled objection to another political tendency with impeccable socialist credentials and a much longer relationship with the organised labour movement to join them in the fraternal contest to shape the direction of Labour's policies and influence the selection of candidates.
Various studies in the 1970s and 80s described the limits of higher levels of authority in the governance structure for education, and the relatively weak impact of state policy on student outcomes.294 But loose coupling does not mean that no influence flows from superordinate entities.295 Even as schools are busy developing their own policies and initiatives, they pay attention to demands from «outside the system» when those demands are consistent with the directions in which their organizations are already moving.296
Leaders in education provide direction for, and exercise influence over, policy and practice.
For all the schools and districts sampled in our study, state and federal curriculum policies, standards, and accountability systems influenced direction setting pervasively.
She joined the Principal Advisory Council to be at the forefront of policy creation that would influence the direction of leadership and the commitment of educators to invest in families.
President Trump will have substantial influence over additional changes to the Board's composition, which will ultimately determine the future direction of monetary policy.
The IWC is a political body, and political and financial pressures influence the direction of its policies and mission.
He puts it in the correct direction for influencing policy.
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