Sentences with phrase «influence policymakers and the public»

Opponents of these programs, such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the American Bird Conservancy, and others, have for years misrepresented the science and used scaremongering in their attempt to influence policymakers and the public.

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Major casino operators are aggressively pushing for the licenses, and spent more than $ 11 million in the past two years to influence state and local policymakers, according to the nonprofit New York Public Interest Research Group.
IAP is particularly interested in assisting young and small academies achieve these goals and, through the communication links and networks created by IAP activities, all academies will be able to raise both their public profile among citizens and their influence among policymakers.
The conference will feature the public release of ASCD's 2012 Legislative Agenda, presentations by influential federal policymakers and national education leaders, and an advocacy capacity - building program tailored to meet your information and engagement needs to increase your level of influence throughout the year.
It rests secondly with all those who can educate, or influence, the policymakers — educators, parents, community and business leaders, testing experts, state education staff, and the voting public.
Unfortunately for policymakers and the public, while the basic science pointing to a rising human influence on climate is clear, many of the most important questions will remain surrounded by deep complexity and uncertainty for a long time to come: the pace at which seas will rise, the extent of warming from a certain buildup of greenhouse gases (climate sensitivity), the impact on hurricanes, the particular effects in particular places (what global warming means for Addis Ababa or Atlanta).
To learn to message effectively, students will study the theory behind persuasion and decision - making, including how reason, emotion, and social influence work, and practice writing for a diversity of audiences, including the general public, policymakers, and funders.
In 2014, the AIA announced a partnership with the American Institute of Architects Foundation and Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture to form the first - ever Design and Health Research Consortium, a group of leading academic public health institutions and universities that helps translate research on design's influence on public health into architectural practice for policymakers, design and public health professionals and the general public.
To be clear, this study is aimed at influencing policymakers, which may be why it was submitted to a journal whose peer review process is conducted on an ongoing, public basis, rather than before publication, as is the case at more prominent journals like Science and Nature Climate Change.
Given that the quote - mined excerpts from the stolen e-mails contain nothing that challenges the robustness and validity of the veritable mountain of scientific evidence that underpins man - made global warming, its timing and content (or more accurately, lack thereof) strongly suggest this is yet another desperate attempt to influence public opinion and distract the policymakers attending the Durban conference.
It's students — and churchgoers, concertgoers, and other victims of gun violence — who suffer while policymakers stumble in the dark, beholden to the money the gun industry uses to influence public opinion.
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