Sentences with phrase «influenced by a complex»

In the United States, we are consumers of healthcare: the care of our bodies is provided mostly by a medical model that is heavily influenced by a complex financial and bureaucratic system.
In addition, gender roles and gender identity are influenced by a complex interplay between genetic, endocrine, and social factors (5).
American students have fallen in many international rankings of science and math performance, and the public in general is being faced with an expanding array of major policy challenges that are heavily influenced by complex science.
We propose a model in which typical development of affective and cognitive empathy can be influenced by complex interplay among intraindividual and interindividual moderators that increase risk for empathic personal distress and excessive interpersonal guilt.

Not exact matches

Finally, companies» choice of where to do business across the globe is heavily influenced by a witches brew of complex, often contradictory governmental policies at national, regional and local levels.
As many B2B organizations know, when dealing with complex selling situations, identifying the influences on buying processes and the purchase decision is often the most difficult challenge faced by marketing and sales teams.
Reed's opinion that there is no evangelical vote and the far right are complex thinkers who are not influenced by political catch phrases is downright laughable.
But we can not deny that, no matter how great the influence of forms already in existence may have been at its inception, and no matter how complex and manifold and colorful its components may appear to be in historical analysis, Mahayana Buddhism is nonetheless a unique phenomenon, which we can not «explain» by summarizing its constituent elements.
The reasons for these rebellions are no doubt multifaceted, complex, and influenced by the unique circumstances that obtain in different countries.
«Market pricing in the dairy complex will be heavily influenced by when and how vigorously China and Russia return to the world market, and the speed at which exportable supply growth slows in key surplus regions in response to rising feed costs and increased consumption at point of origin.»
This could be influenced by a greater interest in flavor combinations, which may feature more complex spicy notes, as opposed to simple heat.
Youth sports attrition is a complex phenomenon influenced by a variety of personal and situational variables.
While these studies are convincing, maternity care is complex, and it is difficult to consider the degree to which the likelihood of intervention is influenced by birth setting, the philosophy of the care provider, or the characteristics and attitudes of the women.
There is no simple reason behind the choice, as it involves a complex situation influenced by numerous factors and a multitude of uncertainties.
Perhaps best known for advocating that the nation guard against the potential influence of the military — industrial complex, a term he is credited with coining, the speech also expressed concerns about planning for the future and the dangers of massive spending, especially deficit spending, the prospect of the domination of science through Federal funding and, conversely, the domination of science - based public policy by what he called a «scientific - technological elite».
This makes it easily influenced by magnetic fields and forces, which can lead to complex behavior.
Complex traits like the ones in the study are each influenced by many different genes, while at the same time, several different traits can be affected by the same genes.
Individual body odor is influenced by genes, and by one group in particular: the genes that determine which proteins combine to form your unique major histocompatibility complex (MHC).
Other examples include the development of agent - based models, such as the minority game and asset exchange models, as well as the analysis of economic networks, which is influenced by physicists» analyses of large complex networks.
And the process can dramatically influence the motion of even more - complex biological systems, such as proteins, by helping their assembly.
The relationship is non-linear because phenotype, or set of observable characteristics, is determined by a complex interplay between an organism's genes — tens of thousands of them, all influencing one another's behaviour — and its environment.
Those findings, some by evolutionary biologist Seth Bordenstein of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, show that «there's this potential for [microbes] to influence behavior in this complex and vast way,» he says.
Two important aerosol species, sulfate and organic particles, have large natural biogenic sources that depend in a highly complex fashion on environmental and ecological parameters and therefore are prone to influence by global change.
The authors suggest that the mechanisms by which stress resilience may influence the development of type 2 diabetes are probably complex and involve unhealthy lifestyle behaviours as well as other physiological factors.
Such disorders are caused by complex interactions among genes and environmental factors; the challenge facing researchers now is to find out which genes are involved and how they influence disease.
By mapping this complex network of malaria movements across continents the researchers highlighted that a number of factors, beyond geographic ones, influenced the strength of importation levels.
However, future island vulnerability is a complex and arguably island - specific issue and will be influenced by various interacting factors that include the rate of reef growth, the rate of sea - level rise, reef evolutionary stage and thus accommodation space, island geomorphology, and the contemporary relationship between islands and their surrounding process and sedimentary regimes (Perry et al., 2011).
In the last decade, genome - wide association studies (GWAS) enabled by cheap, high - throughput SNP genotyping have identified thousands of loci that influence disease susceptibility, quantitative traits, and other complex phenotypes.
Complex surface attributes, such as its topography and chemical properties, are not explored here but are expected to influence cluster sizes in some natural environments by increasing the complexity of fluid flow patterns, inducing short - range cell relocation and modifying the long - range relocation mechanism.
«All of these studies highlight a core theme that will be investigated over the next few years: how complex decisions are influenced by context.»
Finally, in a collaboration with Frank Jülicher's group at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, we are using these data to develop physical models that will help us understand how local cellular adhesive, elastic and contractile properties are influenced by PCP proteins and other molecules, and how they combine to produce specific packing geometries at a global level.
Using genetics to predict people's risk of a complex disorder is tricky, especially with a trait highly influenced by environmental factors.
«We propose that sleep deprivation sets the stage for a false confession by impairing complex decision making abilities — specifically, the ability to anticipate risks and consequences, inhibit behavioral impulses, and resist suggestive influences
But the study found only the fish oil influenced HLD cholesterol by altering the production catabolism rate of HDL apolipoproteins (catabolism is the breakdown of complex molecules metabolically into simpler ones).
A few studies that tried to correlate teacher factors (both intelligence and personality) with effectiveness found teaching too complex to be influenced by any one or two factors.
Similarly, a limited working memory capacity - the «workbench of the mind,» where complex thought occurs - reduces one's reasoning ability, while problem solving is profoundly influenced by long - term memory, and so on.
It is issued during a time of complex political and legal circumstances and seeks to understand how a variety of factors — including the Parents Involved ruling and the transition to a U.S. Department of Education led by the Obama Administration — have influenced federally - funded magnet programs.
Managing a school's culture is not dependent on the authority that you have based on your position, but can only be affected by increasing your influence over behaviors, beliefs, relationships, and other complex dynamics present in the school that are often unpredictable.
The process of deciding how to build your author platform can be a complex one, because it will undoubtedly be influenced by several factors such as your goals, your personal style, and your workload.
Dahl would soon be caught up in a complex web of deception masterminded by William Stephenson, aka Intrepid, Churchill's legendary spy chief, who, with President Roosevelt's tacit permission, mounted a secret campaign of propaganda and political subversion to weaken American isolationist forces, bring the country into the war against Germany, and influence U.S. policy in favor of England.
Structure is controlled by genes that affect bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and growth rate, and health depends on gene interaction as simple as that governing progressive retinal atrophy (the dog either has it or he doesn't; there's no halfway) or as complex as that influencing various autoimmune diseases, seizures, or various circulatory defects.
Eating disorders are complex, biologically - influenced disorders, often triggered by trauma.
The joints continue to develop normally as long as full congruity is maintained between the acetabulum and the femoral head... The acetabular rims are stimulated to grow by mild traction applied by the joint capsule and gluteal muscles attached along their dorsal borders, and from pressure by the femoral heads upon the articular surfaces... The morphologic characteristics of the complex hip structure show that biomechanical behavior is the prime influence in the growth of this joint.»
In dogs, we know that the possible underlying reasons for unwanted aggressive behavior in any given case are quite complex, and can be influenced by a number of environmental and genetic factors.
A cat's behaviour and character are shaped by a complex mix of influences relating to the species, the individual's genetics and its experiences as a kitten.
These complex wines are influenced by traditional French winemaking practices to preserve the natural acids in the wine to vinify balanced wines.
The magnificent complex is defined by a countless maze of columns, decorated with Islamic influences that radiate both the beauty and the history of the complex.
Interestingly, the developer mentioned they wanted to make this Strider less linear, saying they were influenced by the game Shadow Complex.
Combining a visual style heavily influenced by LIMBO and gameplay elements reminiscent of Shadow Complex, you play as a survivor of the zombie apocalypse trying to navigate your way through the decimated remains of Seattle.
It's a surprisingly complex discussion because so many current games have been influenced by existing retro games, so that must be taken into play.
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