Sentences with phrase «influenced by outside forces»

In spite of how we like to think about ourselves, we humans are very easily influenced by outside forces.
«Exposure» groups together artists who manipulate their photographic processes to create landscapes influenced by outside forces such as time and history.
In general, we as a herding society, are easily influenced by outside forces, such social media, the news, and advertisements that tell us why their product is better than the other guy's product.

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Externally focused leaders are driven by outside forces that influence and affect their company.
Not many truly understand the market as an almost - living entity, though, something that changes by the second and can be influenced by a wide variety of outside forces that aren't always completely understood.
Are we the sum total of our biology and environment or are we capable of being influenced by forces outside the boundary of personal consciousness and physical connection?
«Quite frankly, the members of the Assembly should be the ones electing the speaker and we should not have several weeks gone by of special interests, outside forces trying to influence who the speaker is,» Borelli said.
The new Council map «appears to be influenced by political forces outside of the Charter's objective criteria,» the executive director of Common Cause New York, Susan Lerner, said in a statement.
If genes are at the mercy of behavior, but behavior is also at the mercy of genes, then our actions can be determined by forces that originate within us as well as by outside influences.
For most of history, we believed that climate and weather are governed by outside forces, beyond the influence of humans, but today we are no longer so sure.
New technologies are the driving force behind changes in the legal field, but the rate at which those innovations are adopted is heavily influenced by outside factors, such as market forces.
Suicide, attempted suicide or any intentionally self - inflicted injury of you, a traveling companion, family member or business partner booked to travel with you, while sane or insane; an act of declared or undeclared war; participating in maneuvers or training exercises of an armed service, except while participating in weekend or summer training for the reserve forces of the United States, including the National Guard; riding or driving in races, or speed or endurance competitions or events; mountaineering (engaging in the sport of scaling mountains generally requiring the use of picks, ropes, or other special equipment); participating as a member of a team in an organized sporting competition or participating as a professional in a stunt, athletic or sporting event or competition; participating in skydiving or parachuting, parasailing, hang gliding, bungee cord jumping, extreme skiing, skiing outside marked trails or heli - skiing, mountaineering, any race, speed contests not including any of the regatta races, spelunking or caving, hot air ballooning, or scuba diving if the depth exceeds 120 feet (40 meters) or if you are not certified to dive and a dive master is not present during the dive; piloting or learning to pilot or acting as a member of the crew of any aircraft; being intoxicated or under the influence of any controlled substance unless as administered or prescribed by a legally qualified physician; the commission of or attempt to commit a felony or being engaged in an illegal occupation; normal childbirth or pregnancy (except complications of pregnancy) or voluntarily induced abortion; dental treatment (except as coverage is otherwise specifically provided herein); amounts which exceed the maximum benefit amount for each coverage as shown in the Schedule of Benefits; due to a pre-existing condition, as defined in the plan documents.
Aggression in children is also influenced by environmental forces outside the home.
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