Sentences with phrase «influenced by the decision maker»

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«Support of public schools is important; involvement and action by several parents in a group can influence school policy - makers and result in decisions and choices than can benefit many children.»
The purpose of the Alliance is to influence decision - makers in making SEL part of our lives by introducing it into all Massachusetts schools, pre-K to 12.
The NAMM Foundation's Community Action kit will guide you in communicating with school board members and administrators, who are the decision makers for every local district and who are influenced by the interests of the local population.
It will guide you in communicating with school board members and administrators, who are the decision makers for every local district and who are influenced by the interests of the local population.
The comprehensive, uniform information provided by this system will give policy makers more confidence in making decisions about influencing global warming that can have worldwide economic impact, he said.
EPI's investigation reveals an ongoing effort by utilities and fossil fuel interests to influence public officials through university courses and conferences and fund reports authored by academic staff to boost lobbying efforts targeting state government officials and decision makers.
Mencap aims to improve access to social care and is therefore attempting to i) gather powerful data in order to influence local and national decision makers; ii) provide early advice with the help of solicitors and barristers working pro bono; and iii) improve legal education by training care managers to spot legal problems and developing a chat bot — an «automated legal brain» which is interactive and can provide information and rights and redress.
As decision makers for their own burgeoning households, they are influenced by factors different than those of their parents or grandparents.
Doubtless influenced by that consideration, the House of Lords in Anisminic did anything but give effect to the «plain words» of the ouster clause, deciding that it did not protected determinations disclosing a jurisdictional error on the part of the decision - maker.
If you think that the Rule of Law requires legal rules to have a single meaning, and that it further requires courts, rather than decision - makers influenced by politics, to have the last word about this meaning, you will think that judicial review has considerable benefits.
In the result, the judge declared the impugned provisions to be unconstitutional and of no force and effect to the extent they prohibited physician - assisted suicide in the case of a «fully - informed, non-ambivalent competent adult patient who: (a) is free from coercion and undue influence, is not clinically depressed, and who personally (not through a substitute decision - maker) requests physician - assisted death; and (b) is materially physically disabled or is soon to become so, has been diagnosed by a medical practitioner as having a serious illness, disease or disability... is in a state of advanced weakening capacities with no chance of improvement, has an illness as determined by reference treatment options acceptable to the person, and has an illness causing enduring physical or psychological suffering that is intolerable to that person and can not be alleviated by any medical treatment acceptable to that person».
Expertise in utilizing innovative sales techniques to identify and influence top - level decision makers, leading the organization s sales and marketing efforts by establishing new methods and initiating incentive programs, asserting strong leadership skills and trustworthy guidance to develop a unified team, creating a positive, dynamic, and competitive environment fostering greater sales achievement, and establishing budget...
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