Sentences with phrase «influenced by this manipulation»

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The major doubt in my mind about his achievements is how much of it was influenced by the skulduggery and manipulation of Sir Jack Norris.
The concept of winning friends and influencing people has been perverted for online political manipulation... by robots.
Aremu said that contrary to belief by some Nigerians that road crashes was a manipulation of witches, major causes of most auto crashes were over speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol and bad tyres.
The next month, an investigation by acting DA Madeline Singas concluded Nassau's contracting process is a «recipe for corruption» because it's not insulated «from improper influence, manipulation, collusion and fraud.»
The large sample size — and additional details provided by users — allowed the researchers to pinpoint which demographics were most vulnerable to search engine manipulation: Divorcees, Republicans, and subjects who reported low familiarity with the candidates were among the easiest groups to influence, whereas participants who were better informed, married, or reported an annual household income between $ 40,000 and $ 50,000 were harder to sway.
If microbes influence social behaviors such as altruism, doing things that change our microbial balance — such as taking antibiotics or probiotics — could potentially reshape how we treat one another by weakening or strengthening the manipulations that are part of our normal behavior.
They don't want to hear the rantings of those who hate them and they don't want to be influenced by the flattery and manipulations of those who love them.
Given the socially constructed indicators used throughout this study were undoubtedly subject to score bias by manipulation and artificial inflation as teachers (and their evaluators) were able to influence their ratings.
ACE thinks that some of HLL's early studies were not conducted as well as they could have been, and that there were problems in some of the write - ups of those studies.262 For example, HLL conducted five studies with the same participant pool, which might have caused the results of some of those studies to be influenced by earlier experimental manipulations.263 Some studies also did not include appropriate control groups, and many studies did not control for desirability bias.264 We think these early studies helped influence animal advocates to see research into animal advocacy methods as possible and desirable, but that their utility is otherwise limited by some of their design flaws.
Locked in a deadly struggle of double crosses and manipulation with sinister forces, you use superpowered stealth and attack maneuvers to slink unseen through a decayed, steampunk - influence realm, driven by an all - consuming vengeance.
Influenced by artists such as Michelangelo Pistoletto, Turk's skilful manipulation of materials was evident throughout the show, for example in his exquisitely - cast bronze rubbish bags, and with the major sculptural work Ariadne (2006 — 2014).
Is there a reality independent of, or not subject to manipulation by, strong influences like the media, the economy, or one's own personality?
Influenced early on by Brecht's political satire, she addressed the trauma of the Vietnam War and created pointed critiques of mass - media manipulations of women.
While John Bauer's canvasses, as large as 90 x 102 inches, contain hints of abstract expressionism, his creative process marries digital manipulation with traditional stenciling, spraying, rolling, brushing and printing, much of the hand work influenced by German post-war painting.
-- Jun 17, 2014 John Bauer — ArtScene Magazine While John Bauer's canvasses, as large as 90 x 102 inches, contain hints of abstract expressionism, his creative process marries digital manipulation with traditional stenciling, spraying, rolling, brushing and printing, much of the hand work influenced by German post-war painting.
Second, Democrats» beliefs about global climate change might be more crystallized and thus less influenced by subtle manipulations, consistent with research showing that stronger attitudes are more resistant to change (Krosnick and Smith 1994).
My question then is, does HIST - C by itself show the residual influence on world temperatures of historical forcings as applied to the TEP alone, or is some further manipulation required to extract that signal (assuming it can be extracted)?
In a research paper entitled «Price Manipulation in the Bitcoin Ecosystem» compiled by Jt Hamrick, Tali Oberman, Tyler Moore and Neil Gandal, it was revealed that Bitcoin's beginnings were primarily influenced by illegitimate trades caused by bots.
Efforts by one parent (referred to as the alienating parent) to turn the child unjustifiably against the other parent (referred to as the alienated parent), through the use of indoctrination, manipulation, programming or other types of undue influence of the child.
The children's answers when subjected to both of the manipulations were definitely impaired by this outside influence.
The explicit attitude seems not to be influenced neither by the manipulation neither by participants» attachment style.
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