Sentences with phrase «influences acting upon»

Its evolution can not be accurately projected because we have manifestly inadequate data not only on its initial state at some chosen starting point but also because we have manifestly inadequate knowledge of the existence and relative strengths of the influences acting upon it over time.
The presentation concludes with an examination of the main internal and external influences acting upon marketing objectives.
They consider the use and calculation of 3 period moving averages; the influences acting upon sales forecasts; extrapolation; correlation analysis techniques; scatter graphs; an evaluation of time - series analysis methods; the line of best fit; qualitative forecasting methods (Delphi Technique; Brainstorming and Intuition) and an evaluation of qualitative forecasting.
The concept has a clear meaning in science: it is the tendency of an object to remain in a steady state under certain conditions or within a certain interval notwithstanding an influence acting upon it that might otherwise have been expected to change it.

Not exact matches

And then, Lord, at that point where all things are set ablaze, do you act upon me though the united flames of all those internal and external influences which, were I less close to you, would be neutral or ambivalent or hostile, but which when animated by an Energy quae possit sibi omnia subjicere7 become, in the physical depths of your heart, the angels of your triumphant activity.
The object exerts its causal influence not by acting upon the subject, but solely as being inert, stubborn fact exacting conformity.
In medical care, for example, it is being found that prescribed treatment given by a doctor is often not acted upon by patients because the doctor's diagnosis conflicts with the patient's self - diagnosis which is frequently influenced by media sources including talk shows and even soap - operas.
If God creates within an order, a ministry, of being, then spiritual creatures must be expected to act upon one another in a community of knowledge, love, and influence.
acted upon; influenced.
The material factors of the environment act upon and influence the life - form.
But all these are later speculations which presuppose the myth upon which they act in an expanding, deepening, enlarging manner and whose change they influence.
Not only do the individualities influence the change of the images; it would be an important problem of the philosophy of history in the study of the history of religions to search out the influences, the categories, through which a precise «relative a priori» — to use Simmel's expression — acts upon the shaping of the «images»: national, tribal, race, class, sexmembership.
Thus, the difficulty has been that in much philosophical thought, with its influence upon other ways of thinking and also upon our ways of acting as humans, there has been a failure to grasp adequately the peril of talk about individuals and equally about substance.
Their study looked at whether having the potential to act upon objects influences how humans allocate attention to different objects in a scene.
In addition, as our knowledge of the human microbiome increases (the intestinal microbiota in particular), it is becoming increasingly clear that there are untold connections between the ways in which microbes act upon dietary items pre-consumption, and in turn, the ways in which these fermented dietary items influence our own microbiota.
As Stephen Covey observes in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, one of the main characteristics of resilient people is that they focus on and act upon what they have control over, rather than devoting time or energy to factors that are beyond their sphere of influence.
We studied to what extent individuals and groups tried to act upon these logics as to reinforce or influence particular beliefs and — the other way around — how these logics structured the social interactions related to mentoring.
Influenced by Marxist theory and French existentialism, Rosenberg conceives of a painting as an «arena,» in which the artist acts upon, wrestles, or otherwise engages with the canvas, in what ultimately amounts to an expressive record of a struggle.
Ourhouse is partially influenced by Pasolini's 1968 classic Theorem, in which a seemingly angelic guest (Terence Stamp) arrives at a bourgeois household and acts upon individual desires to seduce each of its members, from the patriarchal father to the maid.
A physicist posted on WUWT: Plausibly, these [Edward Markey] press releases are opening salvos in a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) investigation, a topic upon which the Heartland Institute's web site maintains numerous on - line position papers (for example, a Google Search finds hosted on the Heartland Institute website «The Statute of Limitations Under RICO: Rotella and Beyond»).
@Karen Margrave I think we are saying basically the same thing, but I still contend that the theory holds true unless acted upon by outside influences ie.
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