Sentences with phrase «influential theologians»

The phrase "influential theologians" refers to religious thinkers or scholars who have had a significant impact on shaping the beliefs and understandings within a particular faith or religion. They have played a crucial role in influencing the ideas and teachings followed by many people within their religious community. Full definition
Many of the most influential theologians in Christian history have been activists.
His conclusion, posited against many, if not most, influential theologians of the last century, is that God does not suffer.
Aquinas, the most influential theologian after the 12th century, gave further support to Christian opposition to suicide with his reliance on natural theology.
Influential theologians constructed Christologies «from below», with all claims to Divinity «demythologised».
Broadcast by tweets from influential theologians / pastors such as John Piper bidding «Farewell, Rob Bell,» the article's writer is convinced that Bell can no longer claim the title of «Christian» because he suspects Bell of universalism (this decision being made, it seems, simply by viewing the video above and reading the publisher's summary rather than, you know, reading the book first).
The French Jesuit Henri de Lubac was among the most influential theologians at Vatican II.
Joseph Ratzinger, a bishop recognized as one of the most intelligent and influential theologians of the age, has remained silent on a question that brings together several of the most vexing theological questions of recent years.
«but you can not deny that forcible, violent conversion has been justified as righteous by some of the most influential theologians in the history of Christendom.»
Augustine of Hippo, arguably the most influential theologian to ever live and the theologian that a majority of modern Christian theology has been influenced by, did not hold to literal six - day creationism.
The volume's authors examine a variety of influential theologians and movements, including voices as separated by time as Augustine and the Black Women's Club Movement, and explore scriptural perspectives on children.
Cone takes on a theological giant Cone left his hometown of Bearden, Arkansas, and became one of the world's most influential theologians.
I understand that your interpretation of scripture doesn't agree with Saint Augustine's, but you can not deny that forcible, violent conversion has been justified as righteous by some of the most influential theologians in the history of Christendom.
Augustine is considered one of the — if not the single most — influential theologians of the Church.
We shall perforce give most attention to Paul, its most articulate and most influential theologian, but we shall attempt to indicate, at least, the ways in which other writers of the New Testament (and presumably the communities for which they spoke) diverged from his position.
Since then a number of influential theologians have favored the view that all human beings may or do eventually attain salvation.
Just as Martin King may be regarded as America's most influential theologian and preacher, Malcolm X may be regarded as America's most trenchant race critic.
In recent years some influential theologians have revived that negative view and have talked like the older Calvinistic scholastics about humans as «lost souls.»
Later, he returned to North Africa to become Bishop of Hippo and, subsequently, one of the most penetrating and influential theologians the church has ever produced.
Influential theologians, from Teilhard through Karl Rahner to Herbert McCabe have cast doubt upon the metaphysical distinction of matter and spirit in Man.
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