Sentences with phrase «info about your author website»

Click for more info about Author Websites.

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I always find these articles on Mark's website to be very helpful and tend to provide extra info about authors» issues and concerns.
There is a lot of info on author websites and blogs in my book I have blogged about that in the past and may do so again, but in the meantime if you have my book, give those sections a look.
Making sure to list your author website, twitter handle, or other way for readers to find out more info about you is a vital part of building your author brand.
And we've brought you some of the best insider info about building your online author platform — from creating a solid, functional author website to engaging potential readers on social media.
This website is full of great info for self - published authors but the very savvy Joel Friedlander also runs a monthly cover art contest, where you can submit your eBook cover (s) and Joel will offer sage advice about whether it works or not.
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